Nervous about surgery

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Chemri so sorry it was denied,, hope the waiting time for the public service is as short as possible. Insurance companies like to take your money, but don't like to pay out when you need it. Arghhh.
Love n hugs đź’•
No! I'm so sorry to hear that!
just hope it will be quick and that the eventual timing will suit with your studies etc.
Thanks everyone.

I was so upset I didn't know what to do and had to leave work early!!

Now I'm a bit more level headed..

Besides being on the waitlist, I, alongside my surgeon and specialist am fighting the insurance company's decision!! I feel like it's already a lost battle as everyone is suggesting, but their decision was based on a doctors appointment 2 years ago for abdominal pain *sigh* ridiculous!

I hope the other guys on here who just had surgery are doing well though! Let us know!
Hmmm. Re section I think. I'm having some of the right part of my colon removed. And abit of the small intestine where the illiume is. My surgeon said he is hooking everything back up the same day. He said there is a 93 to 90 % chance that this can be done and a 7 to 10 % chance that it can't and I'll either need a bag for the rest of my life or a temp bag till stuff can heal. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and praying for the first option. My surgeon is suppose to one of the best at this type of surgery and he seems pretty confident in being able to hook everything up all in one go. It just seems to good to be true to me since he said if all goes well I'll be up and moving the day after and be feeling good and up and on my feet in 6 to 8 weeks. I guess I'm just fairly worries that's all. Just really hope I'm making the right choice to have surgery. But I don't think I have any other option. I just wanted to know if there was any success stories from people with surgery and if it made there quality of life better, and how fast did there symptoms come back

I had a terminal ileum resection on jan 27th and they removed a small portion of colon and lots of small intestein (85cm or almost 3 feet) it was amazing, i was liquid diet for the first day and back on solid foods the next day. I feel great from the surgery but still have joint pain hoping that i can go back on remicade to deal with it. They were going to send me home on the 29th but i wanted to spend one more night just incase as i lived an hour away. No bag no nothing just hooked it back up and carried on. I think having an epidural made the bowels wake up way faster as they were not in as much shock and it was done lapro so not as invasive but it was amazing and nothing to worry about wish i had it done sooner
I'm glad to hear everything went good for you. And yes I've had dilodied before it's good stuff for pain. I hope they still do mine tomorrow. My temp has stayed down now. And I'm hoping for a good out come tomorrow too with no surprises.

Hey Matt, I'm wondering how your surgery went??
Hope all is well recovery wise.