Never took Crohn' seriously until now...

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Oct 1, 2010
In February 2009, at the age of 28, I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. Prior to my diagnosis I had struggled with "stomach issues" and chopped it up to everything from stress to my diet. So when I got sick with what I thought was the flu I didn't think anything about it. I stayed home from work for a week running to and from the bathroom, in extreme amount of pain and wanting to curl up and die! I finally made a trip to the emergancy room thinking that maybe my appendix ruptured. After a series of CT's and blood draws a resident doctor came in and told me that my small intestine was swollen and that I either had Crohn's Disease or an infection... what??!! Crohn's Disease??!! That couldn't be right, I just have an infection, there is nothing to worry about, give me antibiotics and send me home! Instead they gave me a referal to a GI and some medication for the pain... they didn't want to upset anything with meds "just in case."
Within a few days I was off to the GI and about to experience my first series of tests! First came the colonoscopy, then the lower bowel follow thru and the numerous different lab tests. By the time I was done I was worn out, stressed, and scared! My GI doc scheduled an early morning appointment to discuss the results with me, I in fact had this Crohn's Disease thing... I remember thinking for a long time that the tests and doctors were wrong! I don't have an incurable disease, I am way too young. So what do I do?? How do I make this all better?? My GI, who is wonderful, gave me some information and told me that we would slowly take this one day at a time and not to get too overwhelmed. He had a plan, good cause I was a mess and didn't know what to do!
I went home with my information, on prednisone and pentasa, and pretended like I wasn't sick! I went with the flow, told my close friends and family that the doctors think I have a disease, but don't worry, he put me on meds and I will be better in no time! For the next couple weeks I took my meds, ate better, worked on quiting smoking, started to exercise and was actually feeling the best I had in years! See I didn't have a disease that was going to affect me for the rest of my life!
And this is the mind set I was in when I lost my job, lost my insurance coverage and stopped going to the GI doctor...
I went thru the next year with no medications, few flare ups and a healthier life style. And up until September 14th 2010 didn't think about my disease very often and didn't take it very seriously at all, yeah I have crohn's disease, but its not a big deal! Heck on August 27th I joined my sister and 8 others to walk a 127 mile relay race... and that is when the problems began! During the race I ate power bars and bananas like they were goin outta style! When I got home I was stopped up, I took to drinking lots of water and taking stool softeners. I felt a little better, then came the night sweats, joint pain, fevers and stomach pain like I had NEVER felt before! For the next few weeks I took tylenol, ate very little and pretended like nothing major was wrong... all the while knowing deep down something was very wrong. On September 14th my fiance, thinking that my appendix had ruptured, rushed me to the ER. We spent the day waiting for the results of yet another round of CT's and blood work, then the doctor came in and informed me I wouldn't be going home... I was being admitted to the surgery floor. My colon and small intestine were inflamed and I had an abcess. I went to long thinking I was ok and my disease wasn't serious, now I was in the hospital facing surgery. Why hadn't I taken this disease seriously?! What had I done to myslef and my family?! These were only a few of the questions that ran thru my mind as I cried into my fiances shoulder. Because I didn't take things seriously I was leaving him and our 5 kids for an unknown length of time...
The doctors put me on bowel rest for 3 days, nothing but water, ice and meds. I was on a constant cycle of antibiotics, pain meds, steroids, and fluids. On Saturday (day 4 in the hospital) they took another CT and it showed the swelling in my colon had come down a small amount and the abcess was no longer there, yeah! I was then allowed to start clear liquids... jello, chicken broth, apple juice here I come! Nope, I couldn't stomach it, so back to sips and chips. The surgeons didn't want to do surgery unless they had to, it would be my first and they didn't want to have to start the cycle so soon. My GI doc came to see me everyday and was also hesitant to give the surgery a go, we will try everything we can first. I was thankful for this, I didn't want to have surgery! This back and forth went on for a week! Finally they inserted a pic line so they could give me the nutrients that my body was starving for. I started to feel better and the doctor gave the ok to start on a full liquid diet. I stayed away from everything that upset me before. I was able to eat cream of wheat, cream of chicken soup, and strawberry boost milkshakes! Because of the progress I was making they decided to see how I handled oral meds. I took my meds like a pro! The sergeons decided that they were not going to operate and the ball for me going home started bouncing! I spent 11 days in the hospital I was released a week ago to my very happy family!
I appologize for the long length of this post, I have never taken this disease seriously until the day I was admitted to the hospital. I am now slowly coming to terms with the idea of having Crohn's. I have been taking all meds that I am supposed to, I am still recovering and not able to eat many solid foods, but I am taking it one day at a time. I am not outta the woods yet though, I will eventually have to have the surgery to remove my strictured small intestine, but I am hoping it can be more planned out!
I am so glad I stumbled along this forum, my family and friend support is great, but to be able to "vent" to a community of people who understand where I am coming from is great!
That is my story, as short as I could make it! I was diagnosed a little under 2 years ago and I am finally coming to terms and taking this new life very seriously!
Hi Daisy,
Welcome aboard! Sorry to hear of your troubles! (Hugs):hug: I battle day to day with accepting my disease as well. It's hard to take it all in so fast. I've already had one surgery. And hope I will not need anymore. But I know it will be ok, either way. This forum is wonderful! I'm so glad you found it! It has made an enormous difference in my life. I wish you only the best!

And know that you are with friends here! Hope you start feeling better soon!
Hi Daisy and :welcome:

Good to see you here. Well that's one helluva a wake up call! and how lucky you were to be able to avoid surgery.

What medications are you on now?

This is a fab place with loads of support and info so please stick around 'cause we would love to have you here. Keep us updated on how you are going and if you have any questions just ask away. Good luck and welcome aboard!

Take care, :)
Hi Daisy, Welcome aboard!! This is a great place for when you need to take your disease seriously and when you want to have a little fun with people who truly understand your situation. Good luck and stick around!!!
Hey Daisy,

I, too, was diagnosed about two years ago and it seems like I'm also having to face the severity of this disease. I've not ever had a surgery or abscesses or strictures, but I've been experiencing a ton of pain and ulcers and the like which is making me realize I need to take my meds. I can't just keep trying to go at this naturally because it obviously isn't working. Eating right and taking your vitamins is important, but I know that I need the meds too and this is a serious ailment. A few weeks ago I thought I was just getting out of a rough point but just recently I've been hospitalized and realizing that I'm probably not even close to getting out of my rough point since the meds I'm about to be on won't kick in for a month or two. Hang in there though, things always get better eventually. My Dad has been telling me that sometimes things have to get worse to get better. Maybe that's what has to happen for us, you know?
Thank you very much for the welcome! The response that I have gotten is very reassuring and proves that this is what I was looking for and the support that I need! :eek:)
:welcome: Daisy! Glad you are here and your story was alot like mine in the early days of my DX.. self denial is also self preservation... you think if you dont have it , it goes away, well, after my first surgery I was convinced that I didnt have it anymore, big mistake, but you probably ate well and no bad habits... well I did and was a big milk drinker, now I havent touched milk in about 7 years, I use rice milk and I am used to it. Not taking is seriously does more harm than good, ruptured intestines and perintontis from leakage has to be caught early or in the nick of time. Glad you realised it, once you get it under control you can still live a reseanably decent life. Dont live it, but don't ignore it. Make sense? Glad you joined us and hope to see you around the boards, support is here 24-7. Welcome aboard!!!!
I am not too sure if I am doing the replying right... hoping I get the hang of it soon!

DustyKat, I just got thru taking Flagyl and Augmentin for 14 days and I am continuing to take Prednisone (40mg), Percocet and Protonix... I have a follow up appointment with my GI next week and he will be adding more to the list! He has mentioned trying Pentasa again and Enticort (not sure on spelling)... I am extremely lucky to have the GI that I have, he has been a huge support for me!
Hi Daisy
and welcome

I could've wrote that! I became complacent and blase about it too! It took a week in hospital with a blockage, severe infection and being told they nearly lost me to accept this disease. Now I'm OCD with my meds! What an eye opener!
glad you found us, lots of friends here for you, good luck with the Pred, it healed me and saved my life!
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Welcome to the Forum. I know the exact feelings that u have because I did the same thing by not regarding that something was majorily wrong with me. I kept it away from anyone and never said anything whenever i started to suspect something was wrong. Once i was DX i went on meds and thought everything will be okay. U said that u are 28 and it sucks because u are so young. I know that exact feeling because I am 16 and it is not a good feeling by any stretch of the imagination. I hope that u get into remission and find this forum useful. Good luck!
Wow three years and I still am having issues with coming to term with this chronic disease. It been tough mentally. Physically it has been terrible. But I get up everyday and drag myself to work in pain and just generally not feeling well. Just have to keep plugging my friend we all know were your coming from. I am glad you found this forum it the best site for our conditions that I have found out there on the Internet nothing beats it. So welcome and stay strong. You will have good days and bad one. Have to learn from the bad ones and seize the good days. Make sure you get out and do what you need to do on those good days because you will have bad one like the roller coast that is my life also. I pray you get well. Again welcome to the forum and thank you for sharing your story with us all.
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Welcome Daisy,

I wanted to say hi, I used to be like you, and didn't take my Crohn's very serious, it's terrible what it takes to wake us up. I've been in a flare unlike anything I've ever had, for the last 4 months, since being dx 8 years ago. I had diarrhea and pain for 14 years before that, but unlike you the dr's said they didn't know what was wrong with me. You have been very luck to be dx so quickly.
I have found this forum, with all the great information, a huge help. And the people are so nice and helpful suggestions and stories I can relate to. Hope it's as helpful for you.

I wish you a speedy recovery!!
