New here/ 12 years of pain and suffering

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Jul 23, 2010
Hello, my name is Lisa. I am 45 years old. Mother to 3 kids, 23 year old daughter, 22 year old daughter, 14 year old son. I also have a granddaughter who is 1 1/2. I was diagnosed 12 years ago with Crohns/colitis. I am prednisone dependent. That has been the worst, because my doctors want me to try every new thing that comes around and at the same time they start reducing my prednisone and I end up sick as a dog. I like it much better when they leave my meds. alone. I know the pred. is bad for my body and I do want something to get me off of it. But I would rather my docs. give a new medicine a chance to get in my system, see how my body reacts to it and then maybe start tapering the pred.
I take about 40 pills a day and get remicade treatments every 8 weeks. I wonder about the remicade since they don't know the long term side effects. But I will just have to worry about that if I get old enough to think about long term effects of anything. We are not guaranteed any moment of this life. Every second, minute, hour and day is a gift.
I hate that my son never new the "healthy" me. He was so young when I got sick that he only knows the sick me. I was so different back then. So active and always doing something.
I am kind of freaked out right now because I just got blood work done last week and it came back showing that my body is producing too many red blood cells which can make my blood too thick and cause a stroke or heart attack. I don't need to have anything else wrong with me. I don't want anything else to be wrong with me. Any one on here have that problem? too many red blood cells? My doctor called it polycythemia.
Would love to talk to someone like me.
Thanks for reading, Lisa
Hi Lisa and welcome, hopefully you will get some answers to your questions here. xx
Hi Lisa and :welcome:

Wow, you've sure got a lot to deal with. I know there's quite a few people on here that have or have had problems tapering off the pred. If you browse through the treatment forum I'm sure you'll find some stories there that you can relate to.

Awww, I hear what your saying about your son but I reckon your a great Mum Crohn's and all!

I'm so glad you found your way here, this is a very friendly and safe place with loads of experienced and knowledgeable people. I hope you stick around because you also have a lot of experience to offer to us. So welcome aboard!

Take care,
Hi Lisa
and welcome

You have a lot going on there, does your blogging help in any way? I've been thinking of setting up something like that too! I like to write, and putting all thoughts and fears down kinda like making it go away somewhere?
I enjoyed reading it all, I think it's fab!
glad you joined us and look forward to seeing you around the forum
someone will come along with some answers for you soon!
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Hi Lisa and welcome!! A Virginia girl!! We're neighbors on here!! I don't have any real advice for you. Someone will though!! I just wanted to say welcome and ditto what's been said so far. I hope you find this forum as comfy as I have:).