New here 8 year with Crohn's

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my little penguin

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Apr 15, 2012
Our story- my son was diag. with Crohn's in Sept 2011 at the age of 7.
He has had constipation since he started foods. The GI ruled out EoE ( eosinophillic Eosphagitis) in June of 2010. We were told he had reflux, but the symptoms would get better then worse. He had dysphagia, stomach aches, no weight gain from age 5, rectal prolapse, constipation. In Jan of last year was the first time he had rectal prolapse. We were told not to worry 10 days of miralax and he would be fine by the Ped.:trolleys:
Since he had seen the GI the summer before we gave them a call and told them what was going on. We were seen with in the week.
GI was concerned by what was going on and added Kids boost to his diet as well as miralax. The Prolapse did not go away. Vomiting started in May and continued every two weeks until JUly. He had a upper GI with small bowel follow through. It looked normal and were even told they could not see the terminal ileum which was good because IF he had Crohn's it would have "lite up":voodoo:

So we added more meds and more boost with weekly weight checks. His weight would increase drastically with 3 shakes but slowly lose the minute we went to 2.:frown:

BY the end of August small amount of diarrhea with small amounts of blood. This led to the upper and lower scope at the end of Sept.

They found focal gastritis, duodenitis, ileitis,and a granuloma in the cecum.
Before the scope the GI told us colitis. The scope itself was mostly normal with a little bit of red but the biopsies confirmed Crohn's. We took him to another children's hospital for a second opinion since the first GI had not heard of rectal prolapse and recurring vomiting with Crohn's.

Doc #2 told us it was all from Crohn's pulled him off Pentasa and recommended 6-MP + Pred. and sent us back to doc #1.

Since I had been reading on here about EN, I convinced Doc#1 to do EN while we waited for the 6-MP to take effect. He drank 1700 calories orally of Peptamen Jr. for 9 weeks. All of his vomiting stopped. His Sed rate dropped from 34 to 10. His stomach aches and fatigue continued.
Within 2 weeks of starting food back he started vomting again:frown:

We added pred since his Sed rate was slowly increasing again. His Liver levels were also above normal and 6MMP levels were too high (10,000).

In March we did a wash out of 6-MP (50 mg to 12.5 mg) for a week. That was when we saw how much the drug was really helping. He was miserable.
We then added 50 mg of allopurinol which took a few days but helped a lot. He still has symptoms so the GI has increased his 6-MP to 25 mg since this 6TTG levels are below optimal therapeutic range (250). He also added Asacol 1600mg.

My son is still on 750 calories of Peptamen jr a day to keep his weight up. He still feels like he has to "go" constantly even in the middle of the night. We still have to keep him on miralax daily and even then he has trouble going. Stoamch aches daily in the LRQ area.
I am just so tired of this disease.
They should say that there is not effective treatment that takes away 100% symptoms since it has been almost 8 months or so and although we are better. He is still not where he should be.

I will ramble more later.
Thanks for listening.:sign0144:

RIght now just trying
Hi there and I LOVE your username :thumleft:

Violet too was started on EN at dx and nearly four years later is still using formula feeds at night.
I wasn't about to d/c a treatment that was working, and her GI has three other Crohn's cases that I KNOW of (but I suspect he has more as his practice is huge) that remain on feeds for years, not weeks.
It kept V symptom (and drug) free for the first three years.

He may need more than the 750cals, if you raise the amt it may really make a difference. V started at 3000cals/24hr and is now on 1500cals. She is a big healthy ox, 63.5 in and 138lbs.

Just an unabashed plug for EN and a hug or two :hug:
Just a great big hello and welcome!
Glad that you already got a second opinion...makes hard decisions easier when you are more confident in diagnosis and treatment options.
My daughter has no relief either...I was questioning myself a few months ago..."Is this our "new normal"-something I just need to get used to, or do kids get better than this?" Fortunately our doc reassured me I was on the right path.
Hoping things are looking up for you soon!
Hi & welcome. Sorry your son is so young and has felt so bad for so long. I surely hope the right med combination is found so that your son could feel ALL better.
Just saying hi. Sorry your son has this rotten disease too. You have a lot of company of people " tired of this disease". Glad to hear he is heading in the right direction and hope he moves to the express lane to remission soon.
Welcome!! :rosette2: Hope your little guy is feeling better soon. It stinks that our kids don't feel 100%!! My son just completed 2 weeks on EN. It hasn't put him into remission yet but we are seeing progress.

Glad you decided to join this forum!
Hey there...

Welcome - so glad you found the forum - it is such a great resource! There is a ton of great information, tons of experience and tons of heart.

God Bless your little fella and your family. I hope he feels better soon!
I just wanted to say hello. I am so sorry your son is going through this. And I can feel how frustrated and sad you are. It is very hard to see your son suffering, and hard for him to have to cope with everyday.
I also have a young son with crohns - 6 years old (diagnosed age 5).

Keep in touch, and let us know how it is going. I loved another person's commment - about mobing in to the express lane to remission - that's what we want!

Take care of yourself,
Hi mlp and :welcome:

I am so very sorry to hear about your little guy...:hug:

Oh my...I will never understand why doctors seem surprised at array of symptoms that is Crohn's, not everyone is a classic presentation, in fact many are far from it. My daughter, although never having prolapses, did tend to constipation, had upper abdominal pain and vomiting was probably her most frequent and persistent symptom and yes, she has ileal Crohn's.

I so hope your boy is able to find remission very, very soon. I understand and feel your pain and frustration at seeing your child suffer Mum but just know there will be better days ahead. Although both of my children required surgery it wasn't all bad, it gave them immediate relief and immediate remission and they have both stayed that way, I'm hoping forever! :)

Good luck hun. You have found a fab place for support, info and even a good laugh! I hope you stick around cause we would love to have here.

Dusty. xxx
Hi and welcome..I am a newbie myself and the support, advice and comfort I have been receiving from the members of this forum has been amazing! These are some really great people! I am so sorry your little one has been having such a rough time; we too are looking into starting EN therapy for our 2 teens with CD. I hope your son will get relief soon, I know this is so difficult and frustrating. Big hugs to you! Kim
Thanks everyone.


Feeling better today

Julie- no increase in EN since even when he was soley En it did not completely take away his symptoms.

very weird :yrolleyes:
Ds was just diagnosed with limbal vernal keratoconjunctivitis which I assume is similar to vernal conjunctivitis.

He has a blood draw at the end of the week hopefully the 6TTG levels are increasing and 6MMP levels are not going too high.
One good thing the EN/PRed/6MP combo eliminated the inflammation he had in his TI region found on his CT scan in Oct. His recent scan in Feb was CLEAN :big grin:

Just trying to get his stomach aches/night sweats and sense of urgency under control.

His nausea is going down by the day and he doesn't complain as much about his stomach even though he says it hurts.

SO my question:
Does remission mean no more symptoms or is stomach aches as good as it gets???

GI is still trying stuff including prebio in his peptamen but we are running out of extra meds.
So far we have tried:
Elavil and Periactin - nothing nada
The anti spasmodic cause constipation and we already have that:poo:

Our next visit is in June if he stays status Quo sooner if he gets worse. hoping by then improve otherwise doc is mentioning methotrexate or Remicade :eek:

off to check on the wee one. I will check in more later.
SO my question:
Does remission mean no more symptoms or is stomach aches as good as it gets???

Welcome MLP!

Pain is not OK mom, though sometimes I wonder if they don't get so used to some pain that their pain-free and our pain-free may not be the same thing. If he's in remission, he should not be complaining about stomachache.

Good luck!!
In our neck of the woods remission equals no symptoms at all.

Good luck hun...:hug:

Dusty. xxx
V's had ZERO gut symptoms from 3 mo post dx-present. She has an iron gut, eats ANYthing, perfect stools, never pain.
BUT she's never in biochem remission.

Clinical remission, i.e., absence of symptoms or very mild symptoms that don't affect daily life, differs from what may be reflected in labs/imaging etc, and Violet is a case in point.
Scopes (done every year) always NORMAL both gross/histo.
Only a cap endo revealed "significant" TI disease. So the explanation per The Saint, is that location of disease, presence or absence of stenosis, SIBO, etc, all contribute to how they shall present.
In V's case, with ONLY TI involvement, all else clean, no SIBO, no stenotic areas, etc, ZERO gut sx makes sense.
It sounds like your fella has involvement in other areas, or perhaps SIBO.

Now in Oct 11 V developed extreme malaise (still ZERO gut sx) and since then it's been a LONG winding road to figure out if it's from IBD, dysauto, or some other concomitant thing as yet undx.

So, (and I LOATHE gray areas...Shelley...can I get a witness) to answer your query of does remission equal absence of sx...yes and no.
It CAN, and the opposite (disease but no symptoms) can also exist and V isn't the only one on here with THAT frustrating situation.

Some stabbing for you :voodoo::voodoo:
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Hi MLP and welcome.

I have lived your fatigue, frustration and pain, in trying to get some sustained relief for my son's symptoms.

My son had constant stomach pain and nausea any time he was not on prednisone. He started remicade & methotrexate in February and he has finally started to look and feel better after almost a year of misery! He just started back to school (1 class a day) this week after a 5 month absence, yay!!

It can take a while to find the right remedy, but absence of pain should be a major indicator that it is working...Hang in there.
Just coming to say hi - I am relatively new here aswell and it is an amazing source of information and support. Sorry your lo has this horrible disease. Big hugs to all.
re: VKC - yes sounds like it's the same thing, looking at wiki anyway! His opthamologist said it's super common in young boys and he _should_ outgrow it. He has it year-round here since it's warm, flares mildly every few months or so. He was dxed before Crohn's, but history of asthma, eczema, hay fever.

Doc has not yet used the term "remission" for us. guess it's relative, but usually she comments on both symptoms and bloodwork.

we had great success on Remicade until it stopped working. Scary stuff to think about, I know. Humira is doing well. Was so excited last week, Alex past 60 lbs. :)