Hi, this is my first time on a discussion thread site. I've had Crohn's since 2001. I am a 29yr old wife and mother. I used to be a police officer and then trained to work for EMS, which I did for 5 yrs. I am now a stay at home mom for the past 5 yrs with my beautiful daughter, Raegan. I am also a nursing student and live in Clemson, SC. I don't know anyone with Crohn's disease and besides my husband, I have no support system. Last year around Christmas, I had my first bowel resection. They removed the illeum and surrounding areas. 30 days later I was back under the knife and they removed more active Crohn's that was missed the first time. Previous to those surgeries I have been on and tried every med under the sun. My body does not seem to respond to the usual frontline meds that most people with Crohn's respond to. I was even on Remicade for over a year with no difference. Also, prednisone has no effect on the Crohn's for me (besides making me mean as a snake and not be able to sleep!). Also, I have never had any remission periods, except for when I was pregnant with my daughter. My whole adult life I have had active flare-up type symptoms. My symptoms started getting really bad a few weeks ago and I was sent for a CT scan. I saw my doctor today and there are a couple of hernias, and a lot of inflammation, swelling, thickening and stricturing in several different areas. He said he would hope that the Crohn's is not back already, with it only being a year since the last surgery, but the only way to know is to do another Colonoscopy. So I'm doing that next week. I am just so tired of being sick and tired. For whatever reason, right now, the doctor said my colon and stomach are not emptying. My stomach just spasms and cramps like the food needs to come out, but doesn't. Then when it does, it's just liquid, and is very painful. When I eat, it feels like I'm digesting razor blades. I go to the bathroom 12-15 times a day. I hate this! I am too young to be this sick and feel this bad!! Is there anybody out there who can relate? I just need a friend maybe, someone who knows how I feel. It's hard for me to talk to my husband because he just gets frustrated that he can't fix it, and gets to stressed out. I don't want him to fix anything, just to be there and listen and talk to me like a friend. I think it scares him when I talk about it, because he starts worrying how he'll be able to provide for us if I'm in the hospital more and we won't have anybody to watch our daughter. So he worries he'll lose his job if he has to miss work because of me. I feel like a burden and like I have no one to talk to....