New here from Canada

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sorry to hear you are having such a struggle. Whereabouts in Canada are you? I take it surgery isn't an option for you? Have they tried you on Imuran?

Love your screen name!
Hi Crohnadian
and welcome

sorry you're going thro a rough time, I have no ideas how to help you, only to say stick with us, vent or scream, lots of people here going thro the same, and we all support each other, loads of young uns like you too! glad you found us.
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Hi Crohnadian and :welcome:

Whoa, you certainly have been and are going through a lot! I was thinking along the same lines as surgery not an option?

I'm glad you found us and I hope we will be able to help you out with info, experience or support. I hope you stick around so we can get to know you better.

Welcome aboard!

All the best, :)
Hey neighbor! Anyways, Im the same age as you...20, and know how tough it is dealing with all the social aspects you go through with crohns. I have also struggled wit weight and what not the past years. At a healthy 155lbs now tho. I havnt tried cannabis as a health drug yet. Mainly because its expensive here because of it being illegal.

Also, Where at in canada are you? I am in Erie on the US side. Ive been to the canadian side of niagra falls...but thats about it.
Thank everyone for the warm welcome. Surgery is and has been an option for me for a while now, however surgeons at my old hospital refused to operate on me unless I was on 10mg or less of prednisone as it was their claim that my tissues would have been too brittle and I would not heal properly. I'm very recently getting accustomed to my new doctor so I will be reviewing all options with him though he is on board with the helminthic therapy. Cannabis can be expensive but it's the only thing that helps me deal with the day to day symptoms of my CD so I don't have many options.. I live on the east coast in southern Quebec. And yes Maple I've been on Imuran, 6-MP, methotrexate, remicade, humira, cimzia, sulfasalazine, and there are usually more that I fail to remember due to my memory being such mush over the past few years
Hi Crohnadian, clever name! :)

Sorry to hear things have been so tough for you, though. I'm glad to hear you have a good support system, that makes a big difference. I notice cannabis helps with my nausea, too; have you looked into getting a license to possess or cultivate? And, like the others said.. surgery might be something to consider; I haven't had surgery myself, but there are many others on the forum who have had it and have noticed an improvement in their quality of life. Hope you can get some relief soon...
Hi Chronadian and welcome!! You will find several on here to commiserate with. I know that can be a huge help sometimes. Good luck!! I wish I had some advice for you but you've seen a lot more of crohn's than we have. I suspect you could become a real asset to this forum so please stick around!!
Welcome fellow Canadian! Man, you have been through a lot, and yes please do stick around, I'll bet you could offer some good advice here. Sending you healing thoughts.

Missickandtired, we are in the same area, how do I get my hands on this cannabis, did your dr. hook you up with this? Do tell.
I was reading your first post and feel your pain. I struggled with CD for 16 years and I tried every med out there, including alternative meds and treatments, traveled the globe to find a solution but to no avail and I ended with a total proctocolectomy 6 weeks ago that gave me my life back. My inflammation was always above 50 and reached 128!!!
Changing diet helped a lot, by cutting out dairy, sugars and wheat. I lived on bananas, avocado, salmon and gluten free wafers that took care of my pain but I dropped so much weight that I was putting my life in jeopardy.
In January I decided to have the surgery and researched my options, started to exercise and eat as much of the same stuff and gained few lbs.
I wish you all the best. You have lots of friends here!
Welcome fellow Canadian!! It sounds like you've had a pretty rough go of things in your 20 years. Sending hugs to you and the people who support you.