kristal79 and mayas_mom: Sorry that you have to be here, but welcome. It's so hard when your child is first diagnosed, but it does get better when you get the right treatment (although it takes a while for most of these treatments to start working).
My daughter was in a lot of pain too when first diagnosed, and the only thing that finally gave her relief was EEN, where she got almost all her calories from a liquid formula for about 10 weeks. She was really resistant to trying it at first, but it gave her relief within days, and then she was on board with it. EEN doesn't just relieve pain--it also helps with intestinal healing, so it might be something worth thinking about.
kristal79--EEN is used more with Crohn's disease, rather than UC, but there are people on this forum who found it helped with colonic disease too.
Steroids and EEN are just initial treatments, since they can't be continued indefinitely. Your kids should be starting a long-term treatment soon too. Have your doctors talked to you about what they are considering?
I hope that both of your kids are feeling better soon.