New here....unsure...

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Jan 3, 2010
Hi Everyone...

I am new here and my story is hope nobody falls asleep. I'm 32 years old and up until Nov. of 08' my only major medical problem had been endometriosis. Actually maybe it was earlier than Nov 08' when I started having severe fatigue, frequent fevers, night sweats, mouth sores and/or blood blisters in my mouth, severe muscle and joint pain, heel pain, hair loss,etc. I've been seeing a Rheumy and have been thru all the testing for lupus, RA,etc. I've been on Plaquenil, Minocycline...neither of which helped at all. I've been resorting to Vicodin for my severe joint's really the only way I can continue to work full time and care for my 2 year old little guy.

Anyways....many, many years ago....I always had diarrhea. It seemed like almost everytime I ate.. For the past couple of years....the diarrhea turned to constipation...which has worsened lately but I just related it to my Vicodin use. The end of October/early Nov of last year....I started having episodes where my stool would be covered in blood and/or pink or blood tinged thick, icky mucous. A couple times...the bleeding was a lot and kind of scared me. I again...thought it was irritation from constipation or maybe hemorrhoids...(although I don't feel like I have hemorrhoids). Ever since those episodes...I've had very occasional episodes of bleeding or blood tinged mucous. I also have had right lower quad. pain as long as I can remember but I have endometriosis so always related it to that because I do have pain and horrible periods r/t the endo.

In late November I had a physical with my GP but didn't mention the bleeding/stool problems. He ordered some lab work which included a Vit B12 because I was getting severe cracks in the corners of my mouth and a sore tongue. Sure B12 came back low so now I'm on oral B12. A ferritin was checked r/t some muscle twitching I have....ferritin also came back low.

My rheumy learned of theses labs and was "weirded out" by them. She asked me about any GI problems so I then told her about the bleeding, mucous and constipation. She became very concerned so ordered a celiac panel...which came back fine. She then said her next concern was crohn's because it could cause all the sx. i'm having and the lab deficiencies...d/t absorption issues.

So....I saw a general surgeon (I work with him..he's great) and I will be having a colonoscopy on Monday. I'm really nervous about it...I'm nervous that they will find something...but also nervous they won't find anything....if that makes sense? At least with a dx......I wouldn't have to feel like a hypochondriac anymore. The joint pain and fevers have definitely been the worst. Some days I can hardly get out of bed....I am really ready for an answer.

Anyone have any thoughts on my story? Has anyone developed the arthritis,etc before having a worsening or onset of their GI issues?

Ok...sorry for the book....hope everyone is well and I will definitely get back to everyone after the dreaded scope.

Welcome Olivia,

You've come to the rught place for support and advice. Hopefully the server issues will sort themselves soon and you'll get lots of responses!
welcome Olivia!
I hope your colonoscopy goes well, and gives you some answers. i had one a couple weeks ago, and had the same fears. Unfortunately, they did not find anything conclusive in mine and it sounds like we will have to re-do it. It does sound, however, that your symptoms are far more advanced than mine. I really hope the colonoscopy shows something for you! Also, i would ask about a consult with a Gastroenterologist, if it is Crohns, a Gastro is much more knowledgeable in digestive areas than a general surgeon.
Welcome! I give you credit for not rushing to the doc for bloody poo. You are doing the right thing and need to follow through. I am surprised the Rhume hadn't looked into GI as a possible cause. I agree with Tamesis if it is Crohns go to a specialist! Make sure you have someone with you that will listen carefully to the doctor after the procedure. I was awake and talking with him but because of the med I don't remember a thing. My hubby is still laughing cause I asked 6 plus times that afternoon "What did the doctor say???". Good luck
:welcome: Olivia.....I have seen a rheumatologist for joint aches. It is all realted to the my Crohn's. Good luck with the Colonoscopy. I hope you get some answers and get some relief. Keep us posted.