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Aug 23, 2010
Hi 27 year old Male
6 ft 230lbs
I have Crohn's has not been very fun. I miss good food but my meds are really starting to make life easier. On Ranitidine 300 mg per day and Omiprazole once per day.
What I can't eat:
No fried food
No cigarettes
No booze
No coffee/caffeine
No Milk
No raw crunchy veggies like carrots
No beans
No corn syrup or corn syrup solids
No white sugar
No candy
No artificial sweeteners
No carbonated beverages
No spice except red pepper, ginger, lavender, turmeric
No greasy foods like pizza

Other than that I just eat carefully and chew everything well.
Hi Genio, welcome!! Did you find that all out by trial and error? I've not heard of Ranitidine. Does it have another name? Good luck, hope you stick around!!
Hi Genio, welcome!! Did you find that all out by trial and error? I've not heard of Ranitidine. Does it have another name? Good luck, hope you stick around!!

Its Zantac; he's not on any Crohn's meds, just acid blockers. Welcome Genio. Its interesting that the doctors have given you a Crohn's diagnosis, but haven't given you any Crohn's medication. Any idea why?
@ Dexky
Ranitidine is used to treat ulcers; gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a condition in which backward flow of acid from the stomach causes heartburn and injury of the food pipe (esophagus); and conditions where the stomach produces too much acid, such as Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Over-the-counter ranitidine is used to prevent and treat symptoms of heartburn associated with acid indigestion and sour stomach. Ranitidine is in a class of medications called H2 blockers. It decreases the amount of acid made in the stomach.

I found out the things I could not eat by trying things and curling up in pain. The things that didn't make me hurt I tried again. Eventually I found what was bad, okay sometimes, okay, and great.

I am enjoying the meds. I actually have started a
"You might have Crohn's list if..." I will post it here one of these days.
Its Zantac; he's not on any Crohn's meds, just acid blockers. Welcome Genio. Its interesting that the doctors have given you a Crohn's diagnosis, but haven't given you any Crohn's medication. Any idea why?

@nycguy yeah they said that they want to move slowly and give me as few meds as possible. When I first started out they tried lots of things but they all had side effects. What I am now helps but still allows me to have a good day to day. I am sure eventually I will move to more traditional Crohn's meds like my sister but my doctor's here are of the mind set try everything before you try medicine.

It is more of a holistic approach. I actually use diet plan that involves a ton of fruit and veggies and herbs to control flairs and symptoms. Like with any Crohn's patient it has been trial and error.
Welcome Genio :bigwave: to the forum! I am on Neixum , thanks to Predisone and other drugs that failed me I have a Hiatus Hernia. Acid blockers are a godsend but as anything over the counter they have been known to eat calcium from the bones. I would make sure have enough of absorbable Calcium and Vitamin d3.

You are right about the trial and error.. seeing as everyone is different, some do well on diets, LDN , meds, and others don't. If you can control your Crohns without using the big guns that is great, because sometimes sooner or later we may need them and work too.

Glad you are here!
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How long have you been dxed? How long has your sister been dxed? Do you have the same GI? I hope you can keep it under control w/o heavy meds. Keep posting what you discover. It could be helpful to others as well. DBergy is one of the members on here who tries to approach his crohn's more holistically and he often posts about what he reads and tries. Good luck!!
I got sick in 2007 real bad year and a half. In 2009 they finally concluded with a 95% chance I have Crohn's. My sister is in NY and there they are all about meds. Her DX was in 2008 I believe.
I really have a lot of faith in using ginger, turmeric, and lavender in my food. I started last year baking just about everything. The biggest help I found is get up early take my meds and set in my recliner at a light angle for a while. This allows things to move and after 20 mins I have to go to the bathroom. Immediately I go eat something absorbent like whole wheat bread, granola bar, or rice. I have learned if I don't follow this morning routine my days sucks. I never eat within 2-3 hours of bed.

BTW anybody every time a meal through your system to gauge how well your body is digesting it?
Hi Genio
and welcome

I'm glad your diet is working for you, but a bit surprised at the same time! tons of fruit and veggies, whole wheat bread and granola bar??
I'd be in hospital in a coma if I touched any of that stuff!!
In my personal opinion and my own trials and tribulations, diet does diddly squat if I have inflammation, and this is also my gastro's opinion. He explained to me that diet alone will not stop strictures forming as a result of inflammation. Diet certainly helps with combatting diarrhea tho, so best of luck to you with your diet and no meds intervention!
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
@Astra My diet has helped me have a stable bathroom life. The bread and granola help firm up my BM's. I use the fruit to help my nutrition. I have to be careful which ones I eat but I have found cherries, watermelon, and blackberries. I can only eat grapes on good days. BTW blackberries natural anti-diaretic. (sp) Some things I eat can cause one problem but help with another.
One of my big problems is getting things to move properly through me. Either it is going to fast or it is not moving. This stuff helps me. I don't say it helps everybody but I think it helps me.