My 11 year ols son was diagnosed last summer with Crohn's after suffering with aniema, weight loss and bloody stools. He is on Remicade and sulfasalazine and lots of vitamins. He is now gaining weight and is growing and all his lab work "looks good." He is even pooping normally now, no blood or pian and once or twice a day. The problem is he still feels like crap. He is complaining of joint pain, lack of energy, abnomnal pain and just feeling bad. This come in waves. He can have 2 miserable hours and then 4 good hours. He is missing more school now than before he was diagnosed. Should I go to different doctor for joint pain? His GI seems to dimiss it. It doesn't help that everytime we see a doctor John is in a "good phaze." I have started videoing my son when he is having a bad episode so the doctor can see it. I wish I could make him feel better.