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Mar 13, 2009
Wiltshire, UK
Hi my name is Debs I'm 43 and living in wiltshire, UK.

Where do I start, I was diagnosed on the operating table (yes that old chestmut again - docs thought I had appendicitis!) in 1984... like so many stories, pretty much left to my own devices regarding research and advice. I have had several bowel resections, rt hemicolectomy followed by septicemia , fistulas/abscesses and blockages along the way. I have never been involved in support groups and forums... and wonder myself how I find myself here now... I think that after all these years I am ready to talk to people outside of my bubble just to connect with someone who really knows what it's like.

I have 2 beautiful children, grown up now aged 24 and 18, they are the apple of my eye for sure and have lived with crohn's as much as me. I have had one course of Infliximab, 6yrs ago which failed, I had another a couple of weeks ago that I took an allergic reaction to so have stopped. I was in hospital up until a few days ago, I have another fistula following another abscess... yep it's getting to me now! There are so many facets to the disease, not least the psychological and emotional.

I have always coped by 'blocking it out' (denail my old surgeon friend calls it!!!) as much as possible between flares... and try to lead a 'normal' life, I work as an IT Manager of a doctor's surgery - been there for 16 yrs now. I've been reading all the new msgs from the newly diagnosed members and the friendly welcomes and advice I just felt I wanted to reach out.. sound familiar to anyone out there?

Debs x
hiya Debs :) glad you picked this forum when you decided to reach out :)

yes, a lot of what you said sounds familiar, and will do to many of our members. personally, i've been through the surgery, septicemia (& other nasties too), the being left alone with the diagnosis, and also this stubborn coping mechanism which has been both a detriment and blessing to me for different reasons at different stages of my life.

what are they planning, to help with the fistula and abscess, given that you can't tolerate the infliximab?
Thanks so much for the welcome, that's why I chose this site, everyone comes accross as being so supportive and friendly!
Feeling a little 'lost at sea' at the mo regarding next step. I met my new surgeon last wk after the previous one retired, he doesn't want to take 'the nxt step until my GI is back from hols next wk, so I will be on the phone first thing mon to arrange an appt to discuss what he may have in mind... maybe an alternative anti-TNF? Fingers crossed.
lol... I'm not the only one with a stubborn coping mechanism then! You are soooo right about the blessing/detriment part, and I feel more human already simply knowing others have been there too!

Hi Debs! Glad you found us here. Everyone has a perspective worth adding to the discussions.
hey ya! :welcome: I hope you like it here, you'll never be alone and just reading some of the older things around here you can learn alot! There is no better place to find not only facts but the support that you need all in one place :)