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Dec 27, 2015
Hi hope I can be of some help to someone on here, ive had Crohn's for over forty tears now , I've come to believe stress is a factor, I remember having a particularly bad time as a kid around exam time.

I would say from my twentys Into my mid thirties I had little or no problem, no idea why, I worked locally either walked or cycled to work, dra.k, ate junk food. No problem.

The last eight or so years have been very different , I hospital about once or twi e a year with a flare up, dizziness ( probably not Crohn's related) so can't drive, thankfully have good employer and transfered.

Tried mercaptpurine recently, pentasa, and others but no good...apologies for spelling I'm sure I mispell Crohn's half the time

Just waiting to see where to next...
Wanted to try mercaptapurine as a control if that didn't work it was going to be some form of treatment as a day patient I believe...didn't sound pleasant...the other drugs seem to affect my lver function, white cells qui badly if I remember correctly..
Ought to say all the doctors I've seen the last couple of weeks in Redruth and at the RCHT hospital been really supportive!
Very frustrating as I had three tests and I've not got an infection, but I've been on six steroid tablets for the last five days and that normally turns me right around, also on anti nausea as only seem able to tolerate cra kers a.d dry biscuits...very unusual for me...
Hello and welcome.As a long term "crohnie" I'm sure you'll be able to offer advice and support to a lot of people on the forum,which will of course be reciprocated.Best wishes.

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