Usually the doctors aren't quick to make a diagnosis unless they know for sure, so most likely you do have crohns. That being said, everyone's symptoms seem to be a little different, which may be why you are confused. I've been very fortunate to only have 2 flairs in 17 years. I thought maybe it was a misdiagnosis, but apparently, there are some people that can be in a long remission. Anyway, in my second flair, I was in denial for a long time because all I had was bleeding, no other symptoms at first. Eventually I started to have diarrhea and urgency, but I never even had any stomach pain. This was different than my first flair in which I had no diarrhea, but did have other symptoms like fever, canker sores, arthritis, stomach pain.
Anyway, best of luck to you. You are not alone and hopefully you find the right combo of meds to feel good.