New - scared- possible fistula

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 2, 2016
Hi everyone. First I am so sorry that we all deal with these issues and how they manifest in our body. I pray for a cure all the time.
My name is Samantha. I was diagnosed with Crohns in 2006 and for a few years I was one pentasa 3000 mg a day. But stopped hurting so I stopped taking. In 2011 I had another scope and he said I looked fine and was bleeding just from stress. He said I might not even have Crohns. What the heck. Lol.

So , here we are. Last year I started noticing some muscle hard area around my buttock near the sit bone and I just thought it was inflammation. If it pushed on it I would get these rectal reflex feeling. It would stop as soon as I stopped pushing. So this brings me to two weeks ago. That same buttock area seemed to have made a boil or abscess. I went to the ER and they said go to a dermatologist. I went and they said it was a cyst. She put me on an antibiotic and warned it could drain. Later that night to ease my pain I sat on a heating pad. Tmi - but it ruptured open and oh my stars blood and more blood came out. Squirted out when I tried just pressing around all sides of the mass. Then it started leaking blood mixed with this yellow clear liquid. This happened two more additional times. I went through rolls of toilet paper and gauze. I've been keeping it washed twice a day with many gauze changes.

Here is the part that worries me and prompted another ER visit. When pushing on the mass to get the residual bleeding to stop I felt that spasm thing again and then started bleeding blood droplets. It almost felt like a regurgitation spasm thing. But as soon as the spasm stopped the blood stopped. No blood with bowel movement or really any pain from that area just the abscess. The ER said its a fistula and are sending me to a surgeon. I'm scared. I'm beyond scared. I don't think any of us want to go through what we face but I am emotionally distraught over this.
The CT scan I had yesterday in the ER showed no pockets. I'm still leaking the yellow watery and little blood from the abscess. I'm trying to rely on my faith and breathing mechanisms to get through this.
Hi Samantha and welcome.

I'm sorry you're going through this. I understand how you're feeling.
I've had enough of them to last me three lifetimes.
Sending my support and I hope you start feeling better soon.
I forgot to add the blood came through my rectum with the spasm when pressing on the abscess.

Thank you both for your support.
Also, there is another section in here titled something like Fistulas, Fissures and Abscesses. You also might want to post this same message there. Are you on any medicine right now? Keep in touch.

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