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Nov 15, 2012
I am due to get my infusion on Thursday, and I have more symptoms cropping up this time. Last time, I had pretty extreme fatigue leading up to infusion, this time in addition to that, I have experienced a day of a raging headache, (last week) and this week my knees are killing me, and my hips were sore as well last night. Last night I also felt like I had a stye in my eye(but see nothing there) and today that whole side of my face is tender, and still feels like a stye on my eyelid, but no swelling or visible sign of anything. Oh and where it feels like I may have an abscess on my tailbone, is pretty sore as well.

I am not concerned as I am pretty sure I'll feel great after my infusion as per usual, but I am looking for less symptoms, not more LOL :lol2:

I will note that before this started, I felt better than I had since being diagnosed seven months ago. It tricked me, thinking I was in remission or something.
I am torn, I don't want treatment delayed and then I spend another week or so like this, when potentially getting the treatment will make me feel great again.

Last treatment date was delayed by two weeks because of suspected UTI. It turned out not to be an infection....and I suffered waiting for infusion.