Hi everyone
I have just found out that I have CD. I'll tell you my story as someone out there may be experiencing the same symptoms as I am and it may help?!?!?
Back in 2008 at the age of 28, I gave birth to my gorgeous little boy, as you can imagine things were hard ( sleep deprivation etc etc ), my son was 3 weeks old when he was rushed to hospital to have an operation which he has fully recovered from now. From after I had my C-Section I was passing rather large blood clots so I was put on a high strength antibiotic called Augmentin. From that day I was suffering with severe diahrea, this went on for many weeks, my doctors kept telling me it was because of these antibiotics. I went to the doctors again and they did all the blood tests and stool samples, testing for coilitis, celiacs disease, crohns and any other possibility. All of these tests came back negative apart from me being aneamic so I decided to go private and try and get some sort of resolve as I knew there was something wrong.
I saw an amazing consultant who did a colonoscopy and ultra sound scans ( because of just having a baby they needed to check it wasn't my womb, and also to look at my other vital organs ). My colonoscopy came back clear showing nothing was wrong at all, so it was just put down to stress and my body rejecting the antibiotics.
Miraculously my diahrea ( which feels like acid coming out ) which was happening after me swallowing 1- 2 mouth fulls of food and then end in me lying on the floor dealing with my cramps suddenly went away after 20 weeks of pain.
I was back to normal, no cramps, no bad poo's nothing. I could eat curry, fruit, beans what ever i wanted when i wanted!!!! Hoorah!!!
Until february 2010. It came back and this time its worse. I went back to my consultant who performed another series of blood tests and another colonoscopy. My consultant thought that i was suffering with microscopic colitis, so he went in for the kill and took loads of samples as this is where you have patches of infection in your bowel and its hit and miss to actually get a sample that is showing the infection, and you can not see it on the bowel lining.
My results have come back clearly showing I have Crohns Disease, and I have it in my small intestine. On friday this week I will be going for a MRI scan so he can examine my small intestine further to see what damage has been caused and we will take it from there.
I have been prescribed a course of Prednisolone and Pentasa, I am still suffering greatly, but in a way I am relieved I have an explanation to my illness and that I managed to get it resolved relatively quickly compared to some of the other people on here. My side effects from the tablets seem to change each week, some days i have heartburn, other days i am that tired it feels like i have passed out and am completely unaware of anything that is happening around me. All this inbetween having to dart to the toilet every 5 mins.
I have a quick question as well about my medicine. I started Pred 30mg a day, three weeks ago. This was prescribed to reduce by 5mg a week tapering to nothing. As soon as I started the Pred it immediately calmed down the diareah (not the cramps tho) meaning that i went to the bathroom every couple of days - sorry to be crude but this visit usually consisted of some solid motions then (once the cork had popped!) diareah followed. I was reasonably happy with this and so was my consultant. He then started me off on Pentasa (as I guess he thought we were getting results) but since getting down to 15/20mg a day of Pred i'm back to going 4-6 times a day straight after meals. Do you think I need to go back to a higher dosage of Pred and taper slower? I will ask my consultant this but I am not due to see him for another week. Any advice would be great!
Thats my story so far, I hope if anyone has the same issues that this may help you? And if anyone can offer me any advice - all would be greatly received.
Thanks for reading this and apologies if there are any typos!
I have just found out that I have CD. I'll tell you my story as someone out there may be experiencing the same symptoms as I am and it may help?!?!?
Back in 2008 at the age of 28, I gave birth to my gorgeous little boy, as you can imagine things were hard ( sleep deprivation etc etc ), my son was 3 weeks old when he was rushed to hospital to have an operation which he has fully recovered from now. From after I had my C-Section I was passing rather large blood clots so I was put on a high strength antibiotic called Augmentin. From that day I was suffering with severe diahrea, this went on for many weeks, my doctors kept telling me it was because of these antibiotics. I went to the doctors again and they did all the blood tests and stool samples, testing for coilitis, celiacs disease, crohns and any other possibility. All of these tests came back negative apart from me being aneamic so I decided to go private and try and get some sort of resolve as I knew there was something wrong.
I saw an amazing consultant who did a colonoscopy and ultra sound scans ( because of just having a baby they needed to check it wasn't my womb, and also to look at my other vital organs ). My colonoscopy came back clear showing nothing was wrong at all, so it was just put down to stress and my body rejecting the antibiotics.
Miraculously my diahrea ( which feels like acid coming out ) which was happening after me swallowing 1- 2 mouth fulls of food and then end in me lying on the floor dealing with my cramps suddenly went away after 20 weeks of pain.
I was back to normal, no cramps, no bad poo's nothing. I could eat curry, fruit, beans what ever i wanted when i wanted!!!! Hoorah!!!
Until february 2010. It came back and this time its worse. I went back to my consultant who performed another series of blood tests and another colonoscopy. My consultant thought that i was suffering with microscopic colitis, so he went in for the kill and took loads of samples as this is where you have patches of infection in your bowel and its hit and miss to actually get a sample that is showing the infection, and you can not see it on the bowel lining.
My results have come back clearly showing I have Crohns Disease, and I have it in my small intestine. On friday this week I will be going for a MRI scan so he can examine my small intestine further to see what damage has been caused and we will take it from there.
I have been prescribed a course of Prednisolone and Pentasa, I am still suffering greatly, but in a way I am relieved I have an explanation to my illness and that I managed to get it resolved relatively quickly compared to some of the other people on here. My side effects from the tablets seem to change each week, some days i have heartburn, other days i am that tired it feels like i have passed out and am completely unaware of anything that is happening around me. All this inbetween having to dart to the toilet every 5 mins.
I have a quick question as well about my medicine. I started Pred 30mg a day, three weeks ago. This was prescribed to reduce by 5mg a week tapering to nothing. As soon as I started the Pred it immediately calmed down the diareah (not the cramps tho) meaning that i went to the bathroom every couple of days - sorry to be crude but this visit usually consisted of some solid motions then (once the cork had popped!) diareah followed. I was reasonably happy with this and so was my consultant. He then started me off on Pentasa (as I guess he thought we were getting results) but since getting down to 15/20mg a day of Pred i'm back to going 4-6 times a day straight after meals. Do you think I need to go back to a higher dosage of Pred and taper slower? I will ask my consultant this but I am not due to see him for another week. Any advice would be great!
Thats my story so far, I hope if anyone has the same issues that this may help you? And if anyone can offer me any advice - all would be greatly received.
Thanks for reading this and apologies if there are any typos!