Hello everyone. Im new to the forum. I just signed up little while ago. I have been living with Crohns for about three years now. ( That is 3 years diagnosed, but have had stomac pains/problems for about the last ten years) So anyways, 3 years ago I started having a stabbing pain in my lower right side. After three days of it not going away I desided to go to my internal med doc. After doing a CT scan it showed inflamation in my small intestant. So after making a GI referail, I got a colonoscopy. It turned out to show quite a few craters and ulcurs in my small intestant. It seemed to all be consentrated in that one area where it gets smaller before opening up into the large intestine.
I was just searching around online for different pain remedys because I seem to be going through another flare up. I stumbbled on this site and thought it was pretty cool to see a ton of other people with my same illment. I havent meet to many people in real life with this diesease, so its hard to talk to a lot of people about it and they understand what your going through.
To tell you about myself alittle im 20 years old. Born in Macon,GA lived there my whole life till about 2 months ago when I moved here to TX. I use to race 4wheelers pro from 10-18, had to kind of lay off that because its hard to ride a 4wheeler for long periods without shaking up your bowls :ylol2: I still try to get exercise as much as I can, but mostly stay inside on my free time and play Xbox live games.
Heres how I live with my crohns ( dont know if its the best way because ive never had any 3rd party perspective besides my GI ( only have had one GI the whole 3 years ive known ive had crohns).
Living with crohns starting in order from what concerns me most.
1. Pain - Living with the pain in my side is my main annoyance from this diesease. I have read a few of the posts here and notice that not everyone has pain. I just thought pain was a given, but it seems some people don't get it as bad as others. As far as I go, the pain can get pretty unbearable sometimes, enought to force me to my knees when standing or have me curled up in a ball on the couch for hours. It kind of feels like someone took a baseball and heated it up to 200 degrees then shoved inside my gut ( lower right side, sometimes streching accross my whole stomac ) along with some cramping and stabbing sensations. As of right now I take nothing for pain, as acetaminophen goes its a joke. The only time I have ever had relief from the pain is from opiates. I problably should mention that I use to be an opiate abuser, but that was before I found out about the crohns. I have learned to control the mental addiction, but sometimes my body just doesnt feel right without it, but i just keep trying to substain. Sometimes I like to rationalize its ok because I need them for the pain easing effects and not the part where getting high is the goal.Not to mention the withdraw sucks really bad. So I pretty much just try to tough it out without taking anything.
2. Dirrahea - Having 10 bowl movements a day sure can suck. Always having to be near a bathroom. Long car rides. There really isnt much I have found that stops dirrahea for me except opiates. Like I said up at the pain, the opiates are great when you need them, but after you take them for prolonged periods you have to be tappered off because of withdraw and risk addiction.
3. Watching what I eat and How much I eat- I understand that there is no scientific link between diet and crohns, but from self experence I've found it matters for me. I use to really like mexican food, but I can't eat it very often or in high quanitys. Pretty much anything super spicy tears my gut up. Only other thing I have to watch is not overeating and trying to eat 6 small meals a day instead of 3 large ones. More food I eat the worse its gonna hurt later. And believe me it ALWAYS hurts.
Well thats all that pretty much bothers me atm with my diesease.
I saw that some people had listed there meds. Only thing im taking right now is Immuran. I have had 6 remicade tranfusions, but no luck on them. I use to take pentasa but that did help either. The Immuran doesnt seem to be working that effectly but its the best so far. Im hoping to try some different meds when I hook up with my New GI Doctor here in TX.
Feel like ive been writing forever or writen to much. Just wanted to let everyone get to know me. Im going to see my new GI Doctor here tommorow, I hope hes worth a crap. Thats all for tonight. Hope to meet everyone on a more personal level and to get help and give addvise. Glad to know theres other people out there, and were all in this together.
I was just searching around online for different pain remedys because I seem to be going through another flare up. I stumbbled on this site and thought it was pretty cool to see a ton of other people with my same illment. I havent meet to many people in real life with this diesease, so its hard to talk to a lot of people about it and they understand what your going through.
To tell you about myself alittle im 20 years old. Born in Macon,GA lived there my whole life till about 2 months ago when I moved here to TX. I use to race 4wheelers pro from 10-18, had to kind of lay off that because its hard to ride a 4wheeler for long periods without shaking up your bowls :ylol2: I still try to get exercise as much as I can, but mostly stay inside on my free time and play Xbox live games.
Heres how I live with my crohns ( dont know if its the best way because ive never had any 3rd party perspective besides my GI ( only have had one GI the whole 3 years ive known ive had crohns).
Living with crohns starting in order from what concerns me most.
1. Pain - Living with the pain in my side is my main annoyance from this diesease. I have read a few of the posts here and notice that not everyone has pain. I just thought pain was a given, but it seems some people don't get it as bad as others. As far as I go, the pain can get pretty unbearable sometimes, enought to force me to my knees when standing or have me curled up in a ball on the couch for hours. It kind of feels like someone took a baseball and heated it up to 200 degrees then shoved inside my gut ( lower right side, sometimes streching accross my whole stomac ) along with some cramping and stabbing sensations. As of right now I take nothing for pain, as acetaminophen goes its a joke. The only time I have ever had relief from the pain is from opiates. I problably should mention that I use to be an opiate abuser, but that was before I found out about the crohns. I have learned to control the mental addiction, but sometimes my body just doesnt feel right without it, but i just keep trying to substain. Sometimes I like to rationalize its ok because I need them for the pain easing effects and not the part where getting high is the goal.Not to mention the withdraw sucks really bad. So I pretty much just try to tough it out without taking anything.
2. Dirrahea - Having 10 bowl movements a day sure can suck. Always having to be near a bathroom. Long car rides. There really isnt much I have found that stops dirrahea for me except opiates. Like I said up at the pain, the opiates are great when you need them, but after you take them for prolonged periods you have to be tappered off because of withdraw and risk addiction.
3. Watching what I eat and How much I eat- I understand that there is no scientific link between diet and crohns, but from self experence I've found it matters for me. I use to really like mexican food, but I can't eat it very often or in high quanitys. Pretty much anything super spicy tears my gut up. Only other thing I have to watch is not overeating and trying to eat 6 small meals a day instead of 3 large ones. More food I eat the worse its gonna hurt later. And believe me it ALWAYS hurts.
Well thats all that pretty much bothers me atm with my diesease.
I saw that some people had listed there meds. Only thing im taking right now is Immuran. I have had 6 remicade tranfusions, but no luck on them. I use to take pentasa but that did help either. The Immuran doesnt seem to be working that effectly but its the best so far. Im hoping to try some different meds when I hook up with my New GI Doctor here in TX.
Feel like ive been writing forever or writen to much. Just wanted to let everyone get to know me. Im going to see my new GI Doctor here tommorow, I hope hes worth a crap. Thats all for tonight. Hope to meet everyone on a more personal level and to get help and give addvise. Glad to know theres other people out there, and were all in this together.