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- Mar 11, 2009
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Hi everyone my name is Josh. Im 18 years old and i was just diagnosed with crohns roughly 1 month ago. Here goes my story.
About 5 months ago i started to get the "D" like 10 times a day and had no idea what was going on. Im the type of person that doesn't like going tot he doctors and i choose to ride the symptoms out. Unfortunatly 2 months went by of symptoms getting worse and i eventually told my parents and went to the doctors. My family doctors suspected it was celiac disease so after a few stools samples and about a month of blood tests and doctor visits i was sent for a celiac screening. The screening came back positive and i was told to go on a gluten free diet and everything would return to normal. So the gluten free diet was started and nothing but the same old problems kept happening. So back to the doctors i went and i got sent to a clinic for endo and colon scopes aswell as 2 biopsys. Once the test results came back i was diagnosed with chrons!.
Finally i thought! they figure out whats wrong with me and i can get normal again. Well now i sit here thinking how much longer can i deal with this?
I was put on medication, florastar, and a cycle of prednisone for 1 week. The week on prednisone and the week following i felt like a million bucks. I was normal again. Eating everything in sight, hanging out with friends and bowl movements only once a day. Then boom.. Everything went back to the same old horrible stuff. I went back to the doctor today to see if i could get some more prednisone untill i see a gastro but he said no. Im now going to see a gastronoligist on the 19th of march but this is becoming to much and i seriously don't know how much more i can take. The specialist that did my endo and colon scopes said i have an anal fissure along with internal hemmoirds ect.. ( called it anal disease ) because i guess the crohns was bad enough to cause some damage around there .. Im not in so much pain that im screaming everytime i go tot he washroom due to the fisure/hemmoird im not sure which one but its the worst thing i have ever had to go threw. I asked the doctor today what can be done about the fissure and he says ill most likeley have to live with it for the rest of my life. Which almost left me in tears because i know theres no way i can deal with that pain everyday for the rest of my life.
Im sorry for the long 5months story but i thought this is the best place to dump what i got on my mind.
Thanks for reading and please post any advice you can give me regarding any of these topics? I dont know what to eat because i always have diareha no matter what. and theres always blood. I think iv been in a flare this entire time. I have bad pain in my knees,. feet, neck and back.
About 5 months ago i started to get the "D" like 10 times a day and had no idea what was going on. Im the type of person that doesn't like going tot he doctors and i choose to ride the symptoms out. Unfortunatly 2 months went by of symptoms getting worse and i eventually told my parents and went to the doctors. My family doctors suspected it was celiac disease so after a few stools samples and about a month of blood tests and doctor visits i was sent for a celiac screening. The screening came back positive and i was told to go on a gluten free diet and everything would return to normal. So the gluten free diet was started and nothing but the same old problems kept happening. So back to the doctors i went and i got sent to a clinic for endo and colon scopes aswell as 2 biopsys. Once the test results came back i was diagnosed with chrons!.
Finally i thought! they figure out whats wrong with me and i can get normal again. Well now i sit here thinking how much longer can i deal with this?
I was put on medication, florastar, and a cycle of prednisone for 1 week. The week on prednisone and the week following i felt like a million bucks. I was normal again. Eating everything in sight, hanging out with friends and bowl movements only once a day. Then boom.. Everything went back to the same old horrible stuff. I went back to the doctor today to see if i could get some more prednisone untill i see a gastro but he said no. Im now going to see a gastronoligist on the 19th of march but this is becoming to much and i seriously don't know how much more i can take. The specialist that did my endo and colon scopes said i have an anal fissure along with internal hemmoirds ect.. ( called it anal disease ) because i guess the crohns was bad enough to cause some damage around there .. Im not in so much pain that im screaming everytime i go tot he washroom due to the fisure/hemmoird im not sure which one but its the worst thing i have ever had to go threw. I asked the doctor today what can be done about the fissure and he says ill most likeley have to live with it for the rest of my life. Which almost left me in tears because i know theres no way i can deal with that pain everyday for the rest of my life.
Im sorry for the long 5months story but i thought this is the best place to dump what i got on my mind.
Thanks for reading and please post any advice you can give me regarding any of these topics? I dont know what to eat because i always have diareha no matter what. and theres always blood. I think iv been in a flare this entire time. I have bad pain in my knees,. feet, neck and back.