New to forum.. here's my story!

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

Mar 2, 2011
I'll try to make it as short as possible :)

I'm 26 years old and work as a registered nurse in the ER. I'm married to a wonderful man who is also a green beret in the army and currently deployed in Afghanistan. I am also the doggie mom to a sweet but hyper 1 1/2 year old lab/hound mutt. Also have a great family and wonderful friends. That's pretty much me in a nutshell. Now on to the not so great things in my life..

I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease in January 2009 after many years of suffering (and many doctors who didn't take me seriously). I was on Entocort for a significant amount of time which did little to help me. I was also working almost 60 hours a week as a night shift nurse on a very stressful floor at the hospital so that probably didn't help! Anyways in the 2 short years since I've been diagnosed I've been pretty sick and was admitted to the hospital several times with partial obstructions. I was on Humira weekly for several months as well. I had a colonoscopy with balloon dilation on January 11, 2011, which unfortunately perforated my bowel and led me to emergency surgery the next morning. I also had a foot and a half of damaged intestine removed which the surgeon said was "beyond repair". Also had 2 strictureplasties done in other damaged, but not as bad, areas. Because the surgery was open I spent 7 days in the hospital recovering and the last 7 weeks at home recovering. All the while my husband is in Afghanistan with very little communication.. very hard on me!
Now I am feeling MUCH better and starting to get back to my old self again. I currently am taking Humira 40mg every other week (maintenance drug), folic acid 1mg daily, vitamin B12 shots monthly, multivitamin, iron, calcium, vitamin d, and fish oil supplement daily. I'm really hoping this surgery will help me for a little while and the Crohn's doesn't come back too soon! I am trying to stay positive anyway.

Well I hope this wasn't too long for everyone lol! I've been reading this forum for a while I just have never joined, but today I decided to take the plunge! A lot of things I've read on here have helped me through some tough times. Just knowing other people out there are going through the same thing and know how I feel make it a little easier on me. So maybe I can be that someone for another person who is suffering. Thanks for listening and glad to finally be part of the forum!

Beth :)
Hi Beth and welcome to the forum. I'm glad you decided to join us. My mother was an RN and her shifts were long and hard. She also worked night for a while. I don't know how you do it! Please make yourself at home. We have many wonderful members here willing to give support and advice when needed.
Thanks so much Andi!! Being a nurse is very hard at times as I'm sure you know from your mom! I think having Crohn's disease has made me a MUCH better nurse because I know how it feels to be a patient. Especially when I get a Crohn's patient! :) And seeing all the sad and awful things I see definitely keeps me from feeling too sorry about my own situation! Glad to be a part of the site :)
Ps I liked the way you listed you meds so I decided to use your idea :) Hope you don't mind!
Not at all, Beth. When I joined this forum, I noticed people putting their diagnosis and meds. I think it is very helpful. I like the name Beth, because that is my baby girl's name. :)

Hello Beth, welcome to the forum :)
It must have been hard for you going through all that with your husband being away, I really feel for you hunny. It's great you've got family and friends to support you :)
I'm new too and have found the site wonderful for information and support. The forum is full of lovely people :Flower:

Take care. Hugs :hug:

Thanks KWud! :)
I'm very glad I finally decided to join! It's nice to have other people to talk to who know what you are going through. Everyone here seems really nice so far! :)
Welcome, Beth! I am so sorry you had such a tough time, but that is great news that you are feeling so much better! I hope it last for years and years! Keep taking such good care of yourself and try not to get too overwhelmed at work. That is not good for your CD.

I am a doggie mom, too! I call Chloe (black & white Cocker Spaniel) my "trial child". Isn't it great to have a loving pooch around when you aren't feeling well? She always knows when I am sick.
Hi Jill!!

Yes my dog is wonderful! He is always there for me and he does always know when I am sick!! He is extremely hyper but when I am not feeling well he calms down and sits right next to me.. sometimes for hours! He will even lay next to me in the bathroom while I am throwing up. :) We are 2 lucky doggie moms! :)
Hi Beth
and welcome

I have nothing but respect for you and your man!
Such hard challenging work.
Glad you decided to join us, we're all here for you, you're no longer alone with this!
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Hi Beth and welcome!

Glad you're on the road to recovery after your surgery. It must have been really difficult having your hubber overseas during all of that - and hard for him too not to be there for you!

Sounds like you have a great attitude and are very positive. That goes a long way with this disease!

I love nurses. I admire that profession so much! They are the ones that truly help us most of the time in the hospital!

Hope to see you around the forum - you'll meet lots of nice people and learn a ton!

Hi Beth,
Well you've had a tough time and have been run through the mill. I'm glad you're feeling better now. Thank you to your husband for his service!
Thanks so much everyone! I am trying to stay very positive about this recent surgery and definitely look at it as a blessing in disguise! I should be going back to work soon and my husband is supposed to come back in about a month!! I'm so glad this deployment is almost over! So things are looking up for me right now and I am feeling very blessed. I'm happy I joined this site, everyone has been so nice!
Hi Beth,

I'm new here too. Wanted to let you know I really admire your determination and fortitude. Wow, what a lot to go thru, and without your husband!

I am a registered nurse too. I stopped to take a break in 2003, after 23 straight years in the field. At this point I'm still trying to decide what to be when I grow up.

When I worked at the Army hospital here in my area (Madigan) I came to realize that being an Army family is all about teamwork.

I thank your husband for his service, and I thank you too.
Thanks ADarling. :) Wow 23 years! I admire you for doing it that long.. bedside nursing is tough! Especially with something like Crohn's. I am starting NP school in May.. hopefully my stomach will hold out and it won't be too stressful. That's the good thing about nursing.. lots of options! What kind of nursing did you do?

My husband is supposed to be home next month.. I can't wait! We definitely work as a team.. you are right about that!

Glad to meet you :)
Hi Beth!

Welcome to CF!

It sounds like you've had a rough run of it lately, sorry to read. It also sounds like you have started down the road to healthy and happy healing.:)

We are definitely a supportive bunch and you can lean on CF and its members when you are feeling down.

Anyways, just wanted to say hi and welcome!
Thanks Nytefyre! I'm hoping my health stays like this for a while.. fingers crossed! :)

This seems like a great site, glad I joined!
Hi Beth,

The first 11 years were inpatient nursing in psychiatry: in the locked/involuntary units; voluntary unlocked units; in-home care for homebound patients; and the psychiatric unit of the big trauma ED here in Seattle.

After that I did outpatient work in the neurology field, specializing in migraine headache and MS.

My symptoms didn't get severe until late 2004, after the time I had left the field to consider other options. I haven't gone back to work yet and when I do I'm planning to do something other than nursing.

The ER is very stressful. I admire your fortitude!

hey beth, I am an RN in the ICU and I suffer from crohns. We work 2 days and 2 nights then 5 days off. this schedule is hard on my body and hae been doing it for 16 years. Diagnosed 2.5 years ago. thank God my employer has been good because I get sick frequently. Not sure but feel like developing parial obstruction, nausea and vomitting terrible, also constipated at present.See doctor on wednesday so see what he says.
Hope all is well with you, and God bless your husband. He is doing a brave and wonderful thing. As he must worry about you, I'm sure you worry everyday for him.
I think the one beneit of our job, is whenever you feel down, you just have to look around at work, and count your blessings. Let's keep our heads up!
Hey! That sounds like a terrible schedule! I worked nights for a little over a year and it killed me. I had partial obstructions all the time.. no fun at all. :( Almost impossible to work as you can never predict when you are going to be sick!

Good luck at the doctor, keep us posted on what he says.

And I definitely agree with you about being a nurse and seeing what we see. It DEFINITELY keeps things in perspective. I feel lucky sometimes compared to what some other people have to go through.

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