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Apr 4, 2012
I was diagnosed with CD at the age of about 4. This year I will be 39 years old! My parents brought me to the hospital after discovering blood in my stool. I was diagnosed with CD and put on a special diet. I don't recall being on any medications, but may have been. I do remember eating a ton of pudding for some reason. Then when I was 16-17yo, I spent the day at the hospital drinking barium and doing x-rays. Everything looked good and was in remission. My special diet was lifted and could start to eat things I could never eat before, with caution of course. I was fine for roughly 5 years and then started to have flare ups occasionaly. They were mild flare ups that I really couldn't pinpoint to any certain foods causing them. I just learned to deal with it and never sought treatment be cause the flare ups were really mild.

I have also been a recreational pot smoker since I was 17yo. In recent years I have noticed that if I have not smoked for extended periods of time, flare ups seemed to occur more frequently and more intense. When I started smoking again on a more regular basis, flare ups would reduce in frequency and intensity.

Knowing what we know now about Marijuana and CD, I truely believe that it has been a blessing in disguise for my quality of life over the years. Would I have had the same quality of life had I never started using MJ? No way of knowing I suppose, but i'm a believer of MMJ for Crohn's Disease.

Maybe I am just lucky to have had a rather easy go of it compared to many people I read about. No meds, surgery, etc., although my day may still be coming. Time will tell I suppose.

I recently tried to obtain copies of my medical records in hopes to obtain a MMJ card, but discovered that they were destroyed many years ago.
Hi Crohnsforlife and :welcome:

I'm glad you have found your way here. :)

It's fab to hear that you managed to stay in remission for so long! YAY! I certainly hope that it continues this way for a very long time to come.

We have a Medical Marijuana forum here that you may like to have a look at...

Since this is your first post I will move it to the Your Story Forum as I think it will be become lost in this thread.

Good luck and welcome aboard!

Dusty. xxx
Welcome to the forum Crohnsforlife!

Thank you for sharing your story with us.

By any chance do you remember what the "special diet" you were put on when you were younger was?

Glad you have avoided medication and surgery so far and I hope the good health can continue!
Hello and welcome :) I am pleased that you have come this far without meds and surgery - I hope things stay this way for a long time to come!

I don't know if it was a specific diet name, but basically anything that didn't digest well was off limits. I remember my Mom caught me eating popcorn once, that wasn't good. lol Greenbeans were about the only vegetable I could eat. Bananas I could eat but didn't like. Apples were ok if baked and no skins. Don't think any other fruits. Pudding, pudding, pudding, lol, I made Bill Cosby a happy man. There are many things I still don't eat but have tried them. Didn't grow up eating things , people think i'm crazy. lol

On another note, I visited my doc today to try and get some type of record of my diagnosis with no luck. Records were destroyed years ago. He remembered me well but didn't seem to willing to do anything.
