Hi PJsMom and :welcome:
I am so sorry to hear about your boy, Mum. :hug:
You have already been wonderful advice so there is not a lot I can add except to welcome you and let you know that you among friends here and we will help you any way we can.
As has been said, EN is worth looking into as either an exclusive front line treatment or as a supplement. It isn't an easy method but a well worthwhile one and can also be used to pull things back into line without having to make huge adjustments to an existing medication regime.
As mlp stated, 6MP will take at least 3 months to become fully therapeutic and for some that does stretch out to 6 months.
When there is small bowel disease some form of imaging is always useful as a way of gauging the amount and extent of disease present. Scopes will only reach as far as the duodenum for an endoscope and just into the ileum for a colonoscopy. The small bowel can be long as 7 metres so that leaves a lot of uncharted territory. It also then serves as a baseline when making comparisons at a later date.
It can be very hard to remember things when you live this day in and day out and what once was abnormal starts to become normal. If you have any concerns that things may not be right Mum maybe start a diary so you track any symptoms and progress. You might to have a look at the suggestions we have in the wiki:
...it just may help you and the doctor pull things into place.
And lastly as Jm has suggested, ask for copies of all tests that conducted whether they be blood, imaging and so on. This will be another way you can stay on top of things and in control.
Good luck hun, I hope all goes with your boy and welcome aboard!
Dusty. xxx