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Dec 2, 2012
Hiya everyone, Im 16 & was diagnosed with Crohns last august after being seriously ill for the year. Im currently on a 'moderate' flare up & today Ive just started Prednisolone steroids. I know it sounds silly to say I'm scared of the side effects but thats how I feel. I struggle a lot with self confidence issue with appearance & I've heard about side effects such as weight gain, acne & puffiness. The acne & weight gain really worries me as I know if it was to happen it would make me feel extremely down. I'm only on the tablets for 8 weeks until my flare up settles. I just wanted to know how many people have struggled with these side effects, if theres anyway to help reduce them & also if anyone had dizziness when they first started them as I seem to be experiencing this! Thanks to anyone who reads :) xxx
Hi Leah! I'm a bit younger than you, but I had my first course of pred in May and I was terrified. I was on them for 8 weeks as well and it was the best I've ever felt! I know I felt dizzy sometimes because I had so much energy I didn't know what to do with it and I also experienced a lot of cramp in my legs in the early morning, but I just shrugged it off. I put on a TON of weight, but only because I had my appetite back for the first time in forever - and to be honest, I really needed it. I can't remember what caused the puffiness, though, sorry. :( I didn't get any acne, though - my skin was clearer than it had been in months!

Sorry I couldn't help much with reducing the side-effects as they all seemed to turn out quite well for me, but I just wanted to say that don't be afraid because it could turn out really well for you - and even if it doesn't, all side effects should disappear once you taper. :) Hope everything goes well!
Thanks a lot for your help & hope you're well! :)
so do you think if I try & keep a healthy diet & not eat loads of junk, to sort of manage my appetite I shouldnt really gain weight? xxx
Hey girls :) I've been on pred 3 times, 3 6-week courses in a row, and the only problem I had was that I bloated, I wouldn't even call it weight gain as it is just water weight and yes, my face did swell a bit, but it only got really bad when I took the third course, and as I said they were all in a row so they built on each other. I also gave into all the food cravings as I was just so happy to be able to eat again. I didn't bloat badly on my first course at all, but everyone is different! However, all of the water weight disappeared very quickly after I was off the steroids.

I got the dizziness too and I also found that the steroids made me extremely sleepy which is the opposite to what the majority of people experience.

I wouldn't worry too much about the side effects like that, I was very worried too as I had my end of school ball the week after my last course finished, but I was happier to be healthy enough to go!

Hope this helped a bit :)

Yeah thanks a lot hun! :) I'm feeling slightly better after taking them for a few days, so its all good at the moment apart from the fact I haven't slept for about 28 hours. I lied awake all last night just not being able to sleep and I'm STILL not tired :/ just going to see what happens with that. Thanks for your help :) xxx
Hey! :) I know it's a late post, but I felt like I should anyway. and I take it you'd be tapering off it by now? I've had four bouts with Pred, and the first time was insane. I gained 13kgs, which was okay because I lost 23 before diagnosis. It makes you feel so good sometimes though! I'm guessing you've probably found it's incredibly hard to control eating habits on it... Ahah

Just thought I should say though, make sure you ask for bone density scans if you need to go on more than one round of it. Taking a calcium supplement would help. I'm saying this because after my Endoscopy and whatnot today the results from previous tests came in saying my spine is a fair bit weaker than it should be. Nasty side effects at work. Don't freak out if it's the first time round though, and it's not necessarily a guarantee. "Just a bit of knowledge for if you need to take it again. :)

Hope you're feeling alright!
Thanks a lot for your reply, yeah I go down to 4 tomorrow & I've lost weight haha, I've had no change in my appetite at all. I had hot sweats, mood swings & heart racing every now & again, thats the only problems I've had. I feel so much better now, a lot of my pain was from a water infection that I've just finished treatment for. I know now that I'll never choose a liquid diet as treatment again & I'm glad I decided to try the steroids.
Hope you're well & thanks again for your help :) xx
I know how you feel about being afraid of the side affects LeahPrice.
I'm afraid of them too. But a little younger than you, I'm 13.

I know it's a late post but I could do with an outlet about these awful things!c I'm 19 and was diagnosed with crohn's recently and started on Pred straight away. I'm currently down to taking 5 a day so only have a month left on them and can't wait to stop!
I also become very dizzy and have experienced and still experience a number of side effects..
I'm often very shaky, my moods are awful and I feel very weird on them. I've recently been getting awful migraines and sickness from taking them out of sync of my routine so I would recommend taking them at exactly the same time everyday!
I too am extremely self conscious but haven't put on any weight, the mood effects from the steroid don't help the way I feel about myself either so you may feel even more self aware when on them. My skin is taking it's toll too, which again doesn't help the self confidence thing!
If you ever want to talk about anything I'm always happy to chat about crohn's, I think it helps to have an outlet for it with others going through the same things!
Hope the steroids haven't been too awful for you, I wouldn't wish the migraine and sickness bouts on my worst enemy!!