Hi my name is Josh. I have had crohns now for 7 years. The first 4 I was treated with entocort and did fine. Started having issues with flaresand had to go on humiera last year. I did great for a year on humiera no issues. Now I'm back to having flares and getting obstructions from the inflammation. Just found out today the doc wants to put me on entyvio. Would love to hear from anyone that is on entyvio or has similar type flares. Mine just hit all of a sudden and I start puking non stop for 8-12 hours then a few days later I feel fine again. Doc thought I had a stricture but CT scan showed no scar tissue just active crohns. I'm tired of this ****. I'm very active in the outdoors and thankfully nothing has happened while I'm backpacking or out of range of medical help but I figure one day it will happen! Looks forward to visiting with some of my fellow crohns sufferers.