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Sep 28, 2012
Hello to Everyone.... I and 44 and have had CD got about 22 Years. So I guess I am sort of an Expert. I am a FireFighter/Paramedic for over 20 years and have worked in an Emergency Dept. But now my CD had gotten so bad that work has been effected. I have had 3 Bowel resect. and I am running out of cards to play on the table. Gi Drs have no clue as what to do with me so I am making a big change in DRs.

The biggest sticking point is I also have Relapsing remitting MS fo the last 10 years. So the drugs are limited and the only choice in Tysabri but I also tested Positive for JC Virus. So now no one knows what to do.

I have been hosp. for Watery Diarhear and severe abd. Pain but since the Gi dr I had ddnt know how to treat me told My wife and I the Crohns doesnt cause pain and it was the pain med that was causing my pain........ REALLY!!!!!!!

I am seeing drs at University of IL, Chicago tomorrow and Hope they can help me and be aggressive and treat me as a patient in front of them and not some Piece of paper.

So if any onehas any thoughs for treating both I am ALL ears. Running out of choices and willing to try what I Can. I have risked my Life all my Life being a FF/P so to take a chanve is not out of the question. Thank You for listening and I hope to make lots of Friends here....
Hello and welcome to the forum, I am glad you have decided to join :)

I'm afraid I don't have any advice to give but I will certainly be keeping fingers crossed that the new docs will have the answer for you.

Wishing you all the best.

Sorry to hear you're going through all this. If I am understanding your post correctly, you are looking for alternative treatments? I'm not a medical professional by any means and cannot give you medical advice, but I can tell you that the Stem Cell Transplant I am in the process of receiving is also used for MS, and the doctor who started it, did so with the intention of helping people with MS! And the best part is... the program is in Chicago, so you're already in the right place! If you're interested, there are several threads here from people who have gone through the transplant. I'd recommend effdee's blog for starters, and if you have any questions feel free to ask and I'll help to the best of my ability.

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