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May 28, 2011
My name is Niki. I'm 29 and have been diagnosed with Crohn's since I was 27. It's been a long road. I can't work and have applied for disability, just waiting on the hearing ruling. I can't go to my specialist often because I can't afford it. I was on Apriso but at two hundred fifty bucks a month, I just can't keep up on it. I have the usual diarrhea and abdominal pain. I just started getting really bad aches.

Well, that's my story, pretty much.
Hi Niki :)

Just wanted to welcome you to the forum. Lots of great info and supportive people on here. Sorry to hear you are unable to work, but I hope you get approved for disability. Things will get better. Hang in there! :)
Hiya Niki
and welcome

hope you're succesful with the hearing, I'm not familiar with your system so can't advise, someone will come on who does tho!
Hope you find comfort here with us
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Welcome aboard, sorry cant help as don't know or understand the system in the states!!

Good luck though
Upon reading your post, I realised just how lucky I am. My crohnes has over recent years drained me financially. I live in Australia and while our health system isn’t perfect it is among the best in the world. From the richest to the poorest person full health care is available. My recent stay in hospital of 66 days, with two operations and all the meds and care I received would have been extremely expensive. The full cost to me was $0!

Being a Disability Support Pensioner means that a visit to my doctor costs me nothing. If I am referred to a specialist by him the cost to me for a specialist visit is very small as the Government covers the majority of the cost. My meds are on our PBS Scheme (much hated by the big drug companies I believe) so that no matter what they cost, (like one script is $85.00 for 20 tablets.) the total cost to me for each script is $5.40.

During my stay in the Gastro ward I met people who were both wealthy and some who were homeless. One guy my age (57), his home was his hospital bed, he was awaiting chemo for his cancer in liver, kidneys and elsewhere. I comforted him one morning as he was tearfully awaiting the arrival of his son, who he had to tell that he had cancer and the prognosis was that the chemo might give him a couple of years living, he told me that morning that the Crohnes people he met in the Gastro ward, gave him inspiration to fight on because of all the pain we go through and determination we show. There were others, some with drinking or drug problems, necessitating the removal of parts of their digestive system. we were all given the very best of treatment, no questions asked. It made me proud and glad, to be an Australian.

(A Fellow Crohnie)
I really envy other countries who have standardized health care. Things would be so much easier if I didn't have to worry about that. I can't even afford to go to my family doctor. I've been off my thyroid medication for about five months because I can't get the money to go to my family doc.
i really feel for you. i find it so strange that the wealthy in your country have no problem spending a trillion dollars on wall street criminals, but find it unthinkable to spend the same on healthcare for all americans. i believe as a christian country it is our duty to provide things like healthcare for ALL people. i hope things get better for you soon.

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