Hey everyone! I am a new user and wanted to share my story. I was 9 years old and was in the hospital for 2 weeks before doctors figured out why I was having pain in my rectum. It turns out I had a rectal abscess and they drained over 1/2 of a cup of fluid out of it. This lead to the discovery and diagnosis of me having Crohn's. I was on prednisone on and off for a long time as well as 6MP and other medications. 4 years later I had bowel obstruction and had emergency surgery to remove my diseased part of the colon. I continued on the 6MP and prednisone after this as well. At 18 I started taking 6mp and Remicade. I soon discontinued the 6MP and continued on the Remicade only. It was my miracle drug. Every 8 weeks with no flare-ups was amazing. I am now going on 24 but am afraid I need to find another option or increase the rate I have infusions. I am having cramps and bloody stools 5 weeks after having an infusion. The Remicade is no longer doing the trick like it used to. I have an appointment in 2 weeks with my GI to discuss options and alternatives. I have been around the block and am well informed with Crohn's. If anyone has any questions feel free to message me or reply!