
Crohn's Disease Forum

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Apr 6, 2010

hi guys, im new to the site..... and crohns!
im 25, and getting married soon.....i hope!
i have had a polyp since my teen years, and always refused removal, until last year. the amount of blood i was passing started to scare me. after seeing my surgeon he suggested fissure or internal polyps. After surgery i was told i had internal polyps, all where sent off for histology where it was found foreign body type granulomata with multinucleate giant cells (what ever that all means!)
staight after removal 3/4 have grown back, i now get horrendous pains,( the first time i thought i was dieing!!) and a recurring fissure:poo:
today i had a follow up, and they are now saying i have a strong possibility of crohns! which at least i now have a reason for all the pains, blood, weight loss....ect...ect...ect....
well thats my life story over....... sorry feeling a little sorry for myself!
im actually quite scared, what if's... and whys.....i want children, will this effect it??? :confused2:
Hi Jemma Welcome :)
I hope everything starts to work out for you with feeling well again soon! Do not be scared, even though crohns comes with ups and downs, you can have a good quality of life and enjoy many things when having a positive attitude. You have come to a great forum where even if you feel like your having a difficult time and are down some days, there are many great people who are empathetic on here who will help you get that positive attitude back and realize its just a rough spot for now! Also there are many people with crohns on here who have children and crohns. I myself do not have any children but I am sure many will answer any fears or questions that you may have!
I have had crohns since I was 18 and I went on to have a baby. In fact I planned to have her a little earlier than I would have because I was feeling so healthy. I figured it was a perfect time for my body to have a baby. I was able to get pregnant within 6 months of trying and I was about your age. That was also after a colostomy and a reversal. I had a wonderful pregnancy, in fact it was the best times of my life. My daughter is healthy and thriving. I want to have another baby and I am hoping the remicade puts me in remission so I can try for my second child this fall. My daughter is just over 2 years old now.

Keep your chin up. In fact now that you have a diagnosis, you can treat your illness. Its way easier to get pregnant and keep the pregnancy if your crohns is under control. So this can be a good thing.

I really did enjoy my pregnancy right to the very end and I cant wait to do it all over again.
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Welcome to the forum! We have all been there...scared and unsure. Ask any question you want here. There is bound to be someone who has gone through the same thing as you. Good luck, keep us posted.
:welcome: Jemma. Congrats on getting married soon! Having crohn's shouldnt stop you from having children. You may have to wait for a healthier time (not on alot of drugs) to have children. Having children with this disease doesn't pass it on to them either. Very low incidence. Of course it goes higher if you and your husband both have UC or CD. Most people who have had children are better or in remission, even some on Humira.

Everyone is different, some have pain, some bleed, some have it in different places. It can be controlled, and it is scary, we have all been there! I am sure you finance will understand and be there for you. You need alot of support right now and at least here you have it. Lots of people here to help you with questions you may have. Keep us updated, hang in there! :)
Hey, I was diagnosed with crohns the day after I delivered my first son when they rushed me in for surgery and realized I had a ruptured intestine. I was hooked up with an ileostomy...was put on meds... had a reversal... went off meds and had a very succesful second pregnancy. When I was pregnant I never felt better!! It can be done:)
Leigh-Ann said:
Hey, I was diagnosed with crohns the day after I delivered my first son when they rushed me in for surgery and realized I had a ruptured intestine. I was hooked up with an ileostomy...was put on meds... had a reversal... went off meds and had a very succesful second pregnancy. When I was pregnant I never felt better!! It can be done:)

Welcome Leigh ann, glad you are searching through here, perhaps you could tell us your story and your meds. Good that you have supported another! :ycool:
oh im very touched by all your replies!! other than the pain, and feeling tired im feeling ok- just confused. i worked with people in hospital who had reversals, ileostomys and colostomys. i always thought you had to be very very sick, with terrible diarrhea, but im finding out this is not the case!! for me its the pain im in with the fissures, the ugliness of the external polyps and the scaryness of the blood! i feel a bit fraudulent because i dont have diarrhea, but i guess everyone is different!
Hi Jemma
Hi Leigh Anne
and welcome to you both

yes I can concur with all of the above!
I had 2 very successful pregnancies and healthy babies and was at my most healthiest during pregnancy.
Crohns shouldn't stop you from having an active 'normal' working life, hopefully now you have a dx and some meds, and found us, should alleviate any anxieties, we've all been terrified, scared and alone too.
lots of support here and advice, any questions, just fire away!
good luck with everything and
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
I have never had much diarrhea no matter how bad my crohns gets either. 3-4 BMs a day tops. If the inflammation is bad enough I actually get constipated.

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