Newly diagnosed and very confused :(

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Mar 21, 2011

I have recently been diagnosed with Crohn's disease after being ill for months since getting back from holiday......very fed up and confused, dont know what I am in for etc and wondered if anyone would enlighten me into this wonderous life I am now going to have.
It just feels like its one thing after another......

Any info/opinions would be greatly appreciated

Hi and welcome! I am sorry you have been ill for so long and were diagnosed with Crohn's. It isn't an easy disease to deal with, but luckily there is a lot more research and treatment options today than in the past.

I was diagnosed this past summer, and I am still experiencing daily symptoms (I have good days and bad), but things are better than before I started medication. And there are many that go intro remission with treatment where they experience hardly any symptoms at all. That's our goal as a Crohnie. It can take time to figure out what works best, but it is possible! Hang in there!

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