Newly diagnosed crohns

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Mar 6, 2015
Hi my husbands 46 and has been diagnosed with lower intestiinal crohns. hes in quite but pain and were at a loss what foods he can eat and what medicatiin to consider. Does anyone know how to get rid of the bloating as well? Its been scary and were still trying to learn about this disease. Any advice would be appreciated thx
Hi addyp

A diagnosis is already a step in the right direction, thank goodness.

I hope that when they gave the diagnosis the doctors also started treatment? I don't think the treatment is something that you should decide alone. In my opinion, the sooner your husband starts a medicine the sooner he will start feeling better. Bear in mind it might take even 1-2 months to start noticing a difference, depending on what he is given. Local medication such as an enema should work quicker.

You are right in thinking about medication AND diet. I know for me things were alot better after cutting out dairy, gluten and high fibre. But that is me (I also have lower intestinal colitis) and other people find dairy products and breads/pasta the food they tolerate best in a flare. I think the general idea is that fibre is not good during a flare, in my case that is what causes alot of the pain. Sugar also causes the pain for me - unfortunate given my sweet tooth!

Oh yes, lifestyle changes might also help - more sleep/less stress, more - or less - exercise, perhaps someone might come up with some more ideas.

You will need alot of patience but it will be worth it. Good on you for looking for help and advice, never be afraid to ask questions!

Good luck.
Foods are trial and error. Everyone seems to be different. He will learn quickly what he can and cannot tolerate. It's important to inform his Dr. of these foods as his Dr. will probably recommend vitamin suppliments for the foods he will be lacking. And now that you have a diagnosis, his Dr. will recommend the best course of treatment for medications. Best of luck :)
Thanks for the replies. It's just this last yr he's really started to feel pain daily. It's scary thinking about meds because of side effects and risk of cancer but he can't live this way either. It seems almost all foods bother him. He gets incredible bloating. I think he will start off with the mild steroid that's for three months. The doctor said 90% of it flushes out of the body.
I have him on two smoothies a day veggies fruits nuts I hope this isn't causing flare ups.
Any advice for bloating? Thx
Steroids should help him :) Funny, He is eating all the things I can't LOL. Fruits, veggies and especially Nuts are food I can't tolerate at all. (Nuts actually cause me to have extreme pain and bloating). This is why I mentioned before that his diet will be simply learning what his body will tolerate. Nobody seems to be the same when it somes to diet. Maybe his bloating is due to something he is eating? Or it could be caused by inflammation due to a flare up? Really only his Dr. can probably answer that question. Anything we suggest here is simply from our own personal experiences.
Welcome! The other posters are right in that diet is very individual. There are some common foods that GIs recommend you avoid, especially when flaring. These would be popcorn, nuts and seeds. These small food particles can irritate and get stuck in inflamed tissue.

It sounds like you guys will be trying entocort. It can have less side effects than pred. You'll probably need to discuss a maintenance med as well since the inflammation tends to flare back up when you come off the steroid.
Hi princess mom I'm so sorry for what you're going thru. It sounds like you're in the same boat as my hubby. Almost anything he eats causes severe bloating. His tummy is huge from the gas. It's heartbreaking to see him suffer and scary because food is a necessity. He tried some beano and it helped a bit but I'll jot down the med you mentioned. I hope it's here in Canada. Is your crohns lower intestine too? Sending hugs to you and the others suffering on here
Diet is difficult. Everyone has to find what works for them.
I've had Crohns for over 20 years with one bowel resection. I still take lots of Meds (Lialda, Remicade, Budesonide, Omeprazole, and lots of supplements).
I found the paleo diet to be quite agreeable with me. Made a huge change in my day to day comfort.
But, I lost weight, so careful if that is an issue. I cook all veggies well, unless juicing them. I peel all fruits, again unless juicing. Everything in moderation. I tolerate nuts/seeds ok.
Yes Addyp, terminal ileum Crohn's. I'm 59 now, and even though I was just diagnosed, I think I've actually had it since I was about 15 years old. That's about when all of these symptoms started for me. I still feel hopeful though; things could be so much worse than they are. This is a good forum because there is plenty of room for laughter too, as you read through some of the posts. Some are finding humor in their circumstance, and they make the burden lighter for the rest of us when they choose to share the levity with the rest of us. Thank you for your empathy! That also helps to lighten the load!
Smika can you tolerate those blended or juiced?

To Be honest, I never tried. I really do not like the taste of juices/smoothie drinks. I suppliment with lots of different vitamins instead. However, I would assume I would be able to tolerate juiced veggies if I tried. Its the seeds and skins that are bothersome for me so if they were pureed I'm sure it would probably be tolerable. However, also remember that some veggies such as turnips are "gasy" by nature. Maybe avoid those ones for a bit...

Forgot to mention he bought some boost shakes to try when he is too sore to eat

These are a great suppliment!
Sorry to hear about his pains, bloating is very uncomfortable. I'm newly diagnosed as well and when I'm flaring my stomach gets so big that I've had people ask me if I'm hiding a basket ball!

I'm tapering down on a steroid as well and trying out different medicines. Diet really depends on what kind of day I'm having, if I'm particularly bloated I've found that liquids (broths, jello, pudding, Boost/Ensure, smoothies, popsicles) really help get through it. I try to stay away from pineapples, berries, and coconut as even blended they can be hard to digest and they seem to make the bloating worse, but everyone is different.
I don't do juices just because they tend to make me gassy...:blush:
For normal days, I stick to a low fiber diet. Some people have a hard time with proteins, I found I can tolerate eggs, chicken, and some fish.

One thing that's really important is to make sure he get's all of his nutrients! The diet will usually come with trial and error but just make sure that no matter what he eats he is still getting the good stuff (even if it is in liquid form like Boost or Ensure) Good luck!

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