Crohn's mom, I just read the article you sent. There's lots of information! but definitely useful information at that. I am going to make sure I look over different medications for crohn's because I want to make sure the doctors and I chose a good route for treatment with me. But, I've heard it's trial and error in most cases to see which meds are working for you and which aren't. Can't wait to speak with the doctor on monday and figure out everything. Thanks again for all the information, the more the better. My dad has kind of been not so understanding, he's confused on how I got this illness and is frustrated that no one in my entire family history has had stomach problems, but I do, and it ends up being a chronic illness that has caused a lot of pain and damage. I guess he will understand better when we get more information from the mayo clinic and when he sees me going through all the treatment and such. I think he's just surprised because all this time he thought my stomach hurt because of nerves or stress, but that's obviously not the case.
Cat, That's great that Remicade works for her. I've heard a lot of good things about Remicade. That sounds like a very quick way to get treated, since it's IV infusion, and is immediately in your blood stream working. I'm sure I will get some options at the mayo clinic, so we'll see what they are and what is best for me, and hopefully whatever I choose will work and I won't have to jump around from meds to meds. That is my hope at least lol. I'm so thankful that I got such a fast appointment with the crohn's specialist at mayo clinic! I guess once your diagnosed they see an urgency in getting you in. Wow, after all these years, can't believe I'm saying "I'm diagnosed"... just sounds so surreal. Scary, but glad to finally know what's going on. Now when my stomach hurts, I know exactly why. Still doesn't help the fact that it hurts, but at least I can feel more in sync with what's happening and understand better. I still need to learn more about this illness but I'll learn as I go along as well.