Newly diagnosed with Crohn's

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Jun 4, 2012
Good morning! My 9 year old daughter just received confirmation of Crohn's disease. She has lost 22 pounds in the last 3 months and had been complaining of abdominal pain that has been off and on for the past month or so. She had an Endoscopy and Colonoscopy and we will be traveling to University Hospital in Michigan to have the last test performed which is called a MRE. The doctor started her on Prednisone and will be initiating 6MP within the next few weeks. Her appearance is sickly looking and breaks my heart as a mother to see her going through this! :( Can I get some feedback as to how your children are coping with the diagnosis and how long until they started to feel 'normal' again? Thank you!
Hi and welcome.:hug:
:( So sorry to hear about your girl and at such a young age. My little farm girl is 3. She's displayed symptoms since 6mo. old. Were still waiting for her first appointment at Devos children's hospital in Grand Rapids Mi.
It's this Thursday and it can't come fast enough.
I know when Grace had her worse flare as of yet, she lost 6 pounds in a week or so. Very scary to watch. When we started to put the pieces together. It point to crohn's or UC.
I'm to new to answer your questions but plenty of parents will be answering you soon.

Hang in there your not alone!
Sorry to hear about your Daughter's diagnosis. My Son had lost 21 lbs and couldn't stop going to the bathroom before our diagnosis in January '12. I suspect that he has been undiagnosed for a few years because of the inability for our Pediatrician to diagnosis the problem.

When were diagnosed, our doctor (CHOP) put my Son Kevin on steriods which immediately stopped the diarrhea. We started a round of Remicade shortly after that time. I am not sure what "remission" is .... BUT .... Kevin has stopped the diarrhea and the stomach pains in a few short months. He has gained weight.

I know it seems like this will never end and to a certain extent it doesn't. The treatments should help to calm the symptoms so that your Daughter can begin to gain weight and thrive again.

Our doctor put my Son on Iron pills. He has so much more energy now.. which is good and bad. He is jumping all over this house.

Good luck. Farmwife is right, you are not alone!
22 pounds in a month at 9 years old?! Holy Cow that poor child! What a whirlwind you have been on. I am sure your head is still spinning and glad you found your way here. The parents here are an amazing source of knowledge, experience and comfort.

My daughter age 12 was diagnosed in January. She hadn't lost much weight but that is because she never had any to start with. Sudden symptoms so we got a dx within 2 weeks of her feeling really bad. Prednisone is our miracle drug. We loved it as she never felt better. Unfortunately, they can't be on it long term and we are bobbing and weaving to figure what else might work.

As for how long until they feel better? Varies but I think the first step is actually having a dx and knowing what is wrong. My daughter was so scared not knowing and just knowing helped her tremendously.

How long till they feel "normal" again...varies again but I think a lot of kids here just have a new normal. While my daughter is not in remission yet she feels a lot better and you would never know anything is wrong. They have an amazing ability to cope. I think it takes us parents a lot longer to "cope" than the kids.

Hang in there and good luck at your next appointment.
Thank you all for your feedback! It is very reassuring to know there is a light at the end of this tunnel! I will keep you updated with any new information that may come our way in hopes it will help you all as well! Thank you again and may God bless you!!!!
So so sorry to hear about the diagnosis - it is so overwhelming at the beginning. My daughter was diagnoised when she was 14 years old - we were devestated. But I have to say she is very fortunate, within a few months - after predinsone and starting Remicade she is in remission. And is feeling well and looks even better. It has been going great for over a year now. Just a few minor bumps in the road - but she is healthy happy teenager. Hope all goes well for your daughter - keep us updated - I love to hear success stories... it keep me going! :ylol:
So sorry that your daughter has been through so much but welcome to the forum!!! I agree with crohnsinct, although all our children all have Crohns it affects each child differently. My son was started on steroids, which will usually zap that inflammation quickly, but it had no effect on his. We went straight to remicade and he was feeling better after the second loading dose. I do believe and some one can correct me if I'm wrong, with 6mp it takes a few months for it to attain levels in the body to work effectively(again varying with amount tolerated and body) so the steroids are given to work on the inflammation quickly then tapered with the 6mp can take over. Please take a look around our forum, great people, wonderful support!! Also there is a treatment subforum for 6mp in case you want to browse around there too!! I really hope your little girl starts to feel better quickly!!
Welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear about your daughter's diagnosis, but at least you know what it is and can get some treatment. Not knowing was no fun either. My son is on Azathioprine and apart from some tiredness, he has no side effects so far (it's been 5 weeks). I'm told it takes around 6 - 12 weeks for it to start working. Good luck with all the treatment, hope she improves soon.
I'm so sorry about your daughter's diagnosis. You have come to the right place - you will find tons of support and good advice here. My child was diagnosed with crohns at age 12 - 15 years ago - so I guess you could say, I've seen quite a bit! I would have to say, that reading your post, I thought to myself, that your daughter is "under medicated". Not sure if they are waiting for more test results, but if she has confirmed crohns, then she needs to be on more that just prednisone. She cannot stay on that for very long, so you would need to put her on some meds that would have kicked in by the time you wean her off the Prednisone. The 6 MP can take up to 12 weeks to start working. For me personally, in the early days, feeding my child with an NG tube was life changing. You mentioned that your daughter has lost quite a bit of weight. So did my daughter in the beginning - and yes, I remember how upsetting that was. The NG tube is a way of nourishing your daughter, and allowing her to have some bowel rest at the same time. It will aid in her vital growing years. My child's weight gain was nothing short of miraculous, after we started the tube feedings. After a while, you can feed her overnight while she sleeps.

The 2nd thing that changed our life, was Remicade. It was a wonder drug for us. I know if you read up, it will tell you all kinds of scary stuff, but sometimes we have to make hard decisions. My child was on Remicade for many many years, and never had any problems. Whatever you do, make sure she never eats popcorn, which I think is the most destructive food for their gut. I want you to know, that in the beginning, it is the hardest time for everyone involved. But, now that you know what you are dealing with, things will improve, and you know what to watch out for. Please keep in touch, and let us know how your trip to Michigan goes.
Welcome and sorry to hear about your daughter. It's good to have a dx, but so heartbreaking and overwhelming. My son has not been on pred, but I hear it works quickly. The 6MP can take 3-6 months to take effect, it worked marginally well for my son. Mostly he feels normal but it's a roller coaster and a burden. They are really tough kids! Hope you get it under control quickly and for a long period of time for your daughter.
Like the others have said 6-mp can take awhile- WE saw some improvement by 4 months but not enough with Ds. We are moving on to possibly Remicade or Methotrexate.
Welcome to the forum. I'm sorry your daughter is not doing well right now. It's so hard watching them when they don't feel good. My son is 10 and was diagnosed with Crohn's in February. He rapidly lost weight and looked horrible. He was so pale and you could see every rib. It really scared me. After reading about enteral nutrition on this forum, we decided to try it if for nothing else to stablize his weight. We started EN on April 2nd and did that exclusively (no food) for a month. He continues it now at night along with eating during the day. It took a huge worry off my shoulders knowing that he was getting the nutrition he needed and wasn't going to starve to death. He has gained 8lbs so far and looks sooooo much better. No more ribs showing!

Check out the Kids on EN thread and see if this is something that might work for your daughter. I hope the 6mp kicks in soon and gives her some relief. Keep us posted!
Welcome to the forum.

My daughter started on pred at the start of February, and has gained back 10 of 12 kg losted in the 2 months prior to dx. Within 6 days of starting pred she was back to school. I have didn't believe the gi when she said that Sarah should be able to go back school the next week.

All the best.
Welcome! I think all of our kids are different...but there is now a "new normal" that we need to adjust to. It also depends on the extent of the disease...if the are feeling awful daily getting "used to it" can be tough. SOrry that you had to find your way here but wishing you all the best!
Hello There,

I just wanted to say I am sorry your daughter is going through this. It is very hard for us parents too.

I can't give you any specific advise as my son (6 years old)has had manily perianal symptoms so far, which are tricky in their own way but not like the intestinal symptoms. But I do hope the medications can get the disease under control quickly, so she can start gaining weight, feeling more energetic and more 'back to normal'.

In the meantime, take good care of yourself too - it is very hard to see our children unwell.

Good advise that people gave me was to read up on the disease so I could ask questions when seeing the doctors, and to look after myself as well as my shild.

Let us know how you are your daughter are going.
take care,
Thank you all for your words of encouragment!! It is greatly appreciated! I am so sorry you all have been or are currently going on this journey as well! I have read some education materials and will be asking specific questions to our GI doc on Thursday thanks to your posts!I will keep everyone updated. I am blessed to be part of this wonderful oprganization and to meet all of you!:kiss:
Hi Breanna's mom and :welcome:

I'm so sorry to hear about your girl, bless her...:hug:

As others have said 6MP will take at least 3 months to become fully therapeutic so it really should be something that is commenced at the same time as Prednisone so it can take over from it when the taper is completed.
Enteral Nutrition would well be worth looking into even if just for its nutritional benefits.

Since your daughter is having an MRE I assume her disease in the small bowel. Is she having bloods drawn soon?
When she does, and if they have not already done, ensure her levels are done for B12, Iron Stores, Folate and Vitamin D.

I am coming from a different treatment with my children so it is difficult to say how long it took for them to feel normal again. By that I mean...they both had surgery which put them straight into remission.

These kids are tough hun as you have no doubt seen with your own daughter. Sure they have their bad days but when they get knocked down they just keep getting back up and dusting themselves off and we are never ceased to be amazed! Your girl will find her feet again and when she out! :lol:

Good luck with the appointment!

Dusty. xxx
I am so sorry you are going through this, as yet we have no diagnosis for our little one so I can't give you any advice - I just wanted to offer support and to hope your girl responds to the meds soon. xx
DustyKat- Her disease is prominent in the large colon and our gi doc couldn't get a 'good look' in the small colon so that is why he ordered this MRE. She has been having labs drawn weekly since this all began and I do recall the doc telling us that her most recent labs show she is anemic with a HGB of 9 at this time and the other iron binding studies were low as well. The protein level is very low as well as the Vitamin B12. He did tell us she is malnourished at this point becaus eof the disease but he was hopeful that the Prednisone would be a 'temporary fix' for her right now. He also told us that the anemia was due to the disease and once it was controlled it would get better as well but for now we put her on a multivitamin with iron. We have a follow up appointment with GI doc tomorrow (Thursday) so I plna to discuss the EN with him.

Thank you all for your advice! This brings me comfort to know there is light at the end of our tunnel!
Good luck with the appointment tomorrow!

Yes, hopefully once things are under control the levels will right themselves. :)

Dusty. xxx
Update on Breanna's appt. Her biopsy's all confirmed Crohns from the base of the stomach throughout the large colon. She is scheudled for the MRE on June 25th and he is pretty certain she has the Crohn's there as well. He also believes there may be a spot within that area as the cause of the blood loss she appears to be having. If this is confirmed then he said they would have to remove the small portion that appears to be the issue. She weighed in at 96 pounds, down another pound. :shifty: But he didnt think it was a big enough issue to worry about introducing the EN as of yet. She started Prednisone 30mg on June 2, as well as Prilosec and Multivitiamin with Iron. He started her on Azathioprine 100mg daily this past Friday. Her labwork showed an elevated metabolism rate so he warned us to not get discouraged if we have to increase the dosage and it may feel like it will never even out but it really will eventually. At this point I just want her to be able to return to 'normacly' for her as soon as possible. Has anyone had experience with the Azathioprine?
I glad to hear you have a direction to head. Still sorry she has to go through this.
I have no advice about Aza. I know more will be along that will. Thanks for the update.
I am glad you are getting more answers and are closer to finding what will work for her.

This is probably a moot point as your doc has already put off EN but many use EN not just for its nutritional benefits but also to help reduce inflammation, heal the mucosal lining and some do even get to remission. A lot of people use it in addition to the other drug therapies...just something to tuck away in the back of your mind...

Either way it sounds like you are comfortable with the doc and that is half the battle.

I have no experience with Azathioprine but so hope it works and quickly!
My son has been on Azathioprine for 5 or 6 weeks. So far he hasn't had any side effects apart from a bit of difficulty getting to sleep at night. Can't tell you how effective it is as my son doesn't have any typical symptoms (just a peri-anal abcess/fistula). Hoping it works to heal the fistula - poor boy is fed up having all and sundry looking at his butt :blush:.
Hope the meds work well - I believe it takes 6 to 12 weeks to be fully effective so hang in there!
My daughter has been on pred and aza since the start of February. We have seen no sideefects. Sarah has gained 10kg on this treatment.
I hope things are soon on the up for you guys.

Take good care of yourselves while you are going through this difficult time. Hang in there.

Thanks for the update Breanna's mom. :)

I so hope the treatment works for your girl and she soon finds peace and relief. :hug: As Crohnsinct and said, EN can be used purely for its nutritional benefits so you might like to consider it for that alone.

Both of my kids are on Azathioprine, my daughter for nearly 6 years and my son for 18 months. They have both been in remission since their surgeries, so about the same lengths of time as Azathioprine. Neither has had side effects with it and they have their bloods monitored very 2 months.

Good luck!

Dusty. xxx