Niacin and Crohn’s disease

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Mar 29, 2014
Niacin and Crohn’s disease

Seeking information about mega doses of Niacin and benefits to early stage (just 6 months into this) Crohn's - yet severe pain and bleeding ulcers .
I haven't seen any members trying mega doses of niacin. However, I do suspect that many people with Crohn's disease are deficient in niacin as well as other B vitamins.
OK. Thanks David...I just thought I had heard of some recent study involving Niacin which had really good results. Re: Qu Biologics- I did check this out, on their website it says that previous Hep B or C makes you ineligible for the trial. So I had Hep B like 20 years ago and still have the antibody/ whatever in my blood,... so not for me. Glad to learn about SSI as a treatment though!
Just a caution - be careful about your B6 intake. I have mild to moderate Crohn's, am hypothyroid, and have GERD. I see three doctors, and they all recommended upping my B intake - one put me on niacin, one put me on a liquid B supplement, and another had me taking sublingual B. It took months to diagnose that my aches, pain, scary low blood pressure feelings, leg cramps, arm cramps, panic attacks that sent me to the ER several times a month, paranoid feelings, mood swings, all related to an extremely high level of B6 (after blood tests twice to confirm). I felt like I was going to die, and nothing seemed to explain it. Once I stopped, I immediately began feeling better - but it will take 1-2 years for all the bad symptoms to leave. So please, watch your intake - I wouldn't wish what I went through on anyone... Make sure all your doctors are on the same page, and know what the other is prescribing!
OK. Thanks RinaW. I really appreciate the heads up on B6 and will keep this in mind. Sorry that happened to you. Good to know that you figured it out though. Peace.