Nikki's [very wordy] story - thanks for reading

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Oct 14, 2010
my [very wordy] story - thanks for reading

hey all… my name is nik ki and i’m 28 years old. I’ve had digestive issues as long as I can remember, my family always said I had a “sensitive stomach”. Reflux and lactose intolerance as a baby, although soy formula/milk didn’t really sit well with me either, so maybe it was more than that. I remember some nights during elementary school sleeping on the floor of the bathroom in a sleeping bag so I could be as close as possible to the toilet. So I’ve pretty much gotten used to not having “normal” digestive health, thinking it's just a part of me. I'd gotten so used to it, in fact, that when my pain really started about 6-8 months ago, I figured it had to be something other than intestinal stuff.

First doctors and family thought pneumonia, lupus or RA, then lyme disease, valley fever, kidney issues, mitral valve prolapse (had an ECG) then they thought thyroid issues (had an ultrasound), and I got 4 CT scans – head, abdomen, pelvis, and chest. I’ve had tests for all of the listed in the past 6 months, along with numerous blood panels. I have a positive rheumatoid factor but negative ANA (they’ve only done these tests once). So they told me I had fibromyalgia, put me on some antidepressants and that was it. This whole time I’ve felt so alone because I hated trying to convince everyone that this illness/pain is REAL. I am normally really tough, have a HIGH pain threshold, so it really sucked that for once when I was trying to get to doctors to get help, I was brushed aside.

I’ve had three bladder infections in the past few months, one turned out to be a kidney infection, and I passed some kidney stones . I thought maybe that was the answer, since I was having side/flank/upper and lower abdominal pain, but my pain stayed around even after. I never equated it to digestive stuff really, because I’ve always had diarrhea or constipation more often than normal bowel movements. I’m not sure how I didn’t realize – I guess there was so much crap going on inside my body I wasn’t sure how all of the symptoms linked together.

Some days I couldn’t even get out of bed, my whole body ached, including stiff joints and sore muscles. I finally understood what people had meant when they said they feel like they had been hit by a train. I have had low grade fevers for a majority of the time, rashes, and weird sores, even swollen or blood shot eyes. At one point I even thought maybe my sores were from bugs in the house, or a mite infestation, but my husband and pets never had any issues, not even one “bug bite” so it made no sense for that to be it.
It’s been a long road, I have lost faith in numerous doctors, many of which have told me that it might be stress, or psychosomatic, and gave me prescriptions for Xanax and Ativan (which I never filled). They made excuses for my high blood pressure and fevers (traffic can make your blood pressure high! And it’s hot outside so of course you have a fever!). I felt like I was blown off, like my history of anxiety and depression put a huge cloud in front of my actual physical pain, and they just figured I was a fragile soul or a wuss. It was really difficult to feel like I was not being taken seriously…exhausting, really. I was in so much pain, and had so much fatigue, I almost gave up advocating for myself. Like, screw it, I guess this is a life sentence and it will always be a mystery illness, I’m done.

I don’t know how many times I had to say to family, friends, and even doctors “there is more wrong with me than just anxiety. This is not just stress, it is something physical”. I have experienced physiological symptoms from anxiety before, and the pain/fatigue I have had has been NOTHING like it. On my worst days, I almost feel like I can’t leave the bed I feel so awful, I walk stiff and slow, and don’t want to eat because I know I’ll just have horrible diarrhea or vomit it all back up anyway. Things have stabilized a little since the worst of it. I finally went to a GI specialist who scheduled a colonoscopy and an EGD for a couple days after our consultation appointment (which was at the beginning of this month). He found erosive esophagitis (from GERD), gastritis, hiatal hernia and an ulcer, inflammation in the terminal ileum and colon, which they called “congested, erythematous, and granular mucosa”, and erosion of the hepatic & splenic flexures. Also hemorrhoids, which is always fun. Biopsies came back as “eosinophilia”. Put me on Lialda (mesalamine) and Zegerid.

My doctor recommended a rheumatologist for my joint pain (and I’m hoping more autoimmune type blood tests), and I want to go because I’m 85% convinced it’s probably Crohn’s, even though the GI just called it moderate IBD. I go back to the GI doctor in 6 weeks to reevaluate how I’m doing. Side note: I was on Accutane 10 years ago, so not sure if this is related at all… you all might have seen the law suits or lawyer television ads regarding this.
I'm feeling kind of alone since my husband and family don't really know what I'm going through (or what I have been through to get here), at least emotionally. Not sure they understand how physically awful I have really felt, either. I also feel like a loser because I am now unemployed (had to quit my job) and had to drop out of school too. And I feel like I'm too old to not be doing anything with my life, although I guess being sick has become my life. Depressing. :redface:
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:welcome: nikki!!! Wow, you have been through more diagnosis from head to toe! Many false diagnosis is not uncommon. But, joint pain, rashes, kidney stones (I had 4) and I also am aware of the Accutane, so many people who have taken it get IBD problems later on.

We know how you feel trust me, we dont all have the same problems or meds, as we are all different to some degree. I must be a loser too cause i havent worked in 10 years, lol, but you are not none of us asked for this or want it.

Take care, glad you are here and have a great community here!!!!!
Welcome Nikki!! I hope you can get a solid diagnosis that will encompass all these symptoms. I think most if not all can be attributed to ibd as I've seen them mentioned on this forum numerous times. Stick around!! We'd all like to know how things turn out!!
Thanks Pen and Dexky. Those diseases listed were definitely not diagnoses that kept changing, just guesses from my doctors and what they tested for. Obviously once a test came back negative, they'd move on to another, but finally seemed to give up.

I've already read a bit here on the forum and it looks like I will get lots of good information from people who have "been there, done that". :)
Hey Nikkie
Sounds like you've been through the ringer. I know how you feel when your symptoms are dismissed. I complained of severe fatigue and whole body pain. My GP always cited depression as the reason. She never did any type of blood work to investigate any other cause. For me, all my symptoms are attributed to depression and the fact that I have a busy and stressful life. Blah, blah, blah. I don't understand why she won't listen to me. I finally gave up trying.
Anyway, I'm glad you've found your way here. The people who come here definitely know how you feel. We have "been there, done that" in most cases. No need to hold back here. We've seen it or heard it all by now. No topic is off limits as far as we're concerned. Any questions or concerns, fire away.
Thanks for sharing your story. Hope you stick around.
Hi Nikki and :welcome:

Holy Toledo you have certainly been through the wars and from such a young age too. I'm so glad that you have continued to advocate even though it is difficult, good on you! Keep fighting, kicking, yelling and screaming 'cause you sure as hell have something going on, no doubt about it, so that being the case push him harder for answers. Since you have issues in your upper gastrointestinal tract, your terminal ileum and colon I wonder why he hasn't already given you the Crohns diagnosis since he has already said you have IBD.

Please stick around and keep us posted on how you are doing. Good luck and welcome aboard!

All the best, :)
Hi Nikki
and welcome

If your docs can't see what's going on here, suggest a white stick and a labrador!
Poor you, you've had it all and then some, and I've had all the depression, neurotic, 'all in the head' crap too! Actually it was the docs who made me feel depressed not the illness!
You're no longer alone with this, the family on here can help you with this insular feeling of no-one understanding, but we do!
Glad you found us, let us know how you are
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
I dont know why sometimes these things are hard to diagnose. Is it different doctors of different skill levels? Do some people's bodies give off confusing test results constantly? Are you like a minotaurs maze they have to find their way through to lock down a for sure diagnoses? Doesn't make any sense.

Anyways, you've been through a lot. Hopefully this board and the compassionate people on it can provide a small dose of positivity and help.
Welcome to the forum-

So sorry that you have had to put up with so many Doctors that had their heads up their butt. I have had Crohn's since 96. I was just recently diagnosed with SLE. (systemic lupus) When i went in for my first appointment with the rheumatologist, they took 8 vials of blood, urine and complete history and looked me over from head to toe.
I really hope that you get the full work up and they figure out if it more then just the Crohn's.
Hang in there
Welcome Nikki sorry I'm a couple of days behind on this welcome. I sure hope you can get that doctor to listen to you. You have had a rough time a such a young age. I agree with Joan on the stick and labrador.

Dear Nikki,

I am very new to this forum and like you have had the "well maybe it is this..."and "maybe it it that...." stuff. I can tell you this: it is not in your head, you do hurt, you're not nuts and the people here are very supportive. Other than that, Crohn's is a guessing game for each individual it seems to me. What bother's you may not bother me. Keep beating on the docs. I lucked out and found a great one here in Texas only he is going to retire next year (AHHHHHHH). Keep coming back here as everyone here knows what you are going through. It makes the pain a bit more tolerable.

Nikki! So cool that you're from Virginia and living in Arizona. I am from Virginia too but living in Las Vegas. We're neighbors!

I am so sorry you have had to go through so much... Just know that you have found a place where we ALL understand that its NOT just in your head, that your physical pain is a real thing. I am here for you if you ever need to talk! This place has been one of the best things thats happened to me since I found out I am sick.
Thank you SO much Michele and AC, and everyone. It really means more than you could know. I don't feel so alone anymore, which is really nice.

How do you like the desert compared to VA, ACNewt?