No rectal stump poop?

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Nov 16, 2010
Hello! So since my surgery late January, I've not really had any real bowel movements. The month after surgery I had a couple very small, very runny BMs. I've tried a few times since then but can't get anything out. I feel like I have to go but can't get anything. Should I be worried?

Thought all my constipation problems would go away with this surgery, but guess not. :p
With a total colectomy and ileostomy, you shouldn't be having bowel movements. You will probably pass mucus and/or a little bit of blood, but not stool.
I didnt pass much in the way of mucus for awhile. Now it's about 3 times a week. If you feel like something is in there wanting to come out dont force it. It's not constipation! It will pass its in own good time. (usually when you dont want it to!)

I hope the stoma is working well? No problems there?
I do 1-3 mucus poops per day. Initially - after my surgery - they felt like a regular BM. Now they are more like urgent gotta run classic CD BMs. I am thinking that once the active disease gets back under control - they will go back to being more like regular BMs.
It just seems unusual to me that I haven't had anything come out for a couple months now, that's all. Most people on here go a couple times a week, it seems, although I know that amount varies from person to person.

As for the stoma, it's alright. I have a couple fistulas around the base of it that have developed, so that's fun haha. Don't know if I'll be having relocation surgery for them or not, sometime soon...
Patience grasshopper, your mucus will come! :ylol: Seriously I didnt know they were talking about on here either! But when I had my first one, and it felt like a proper poo, a gloriously formed poo (felt like, not really was!) it was almost orgasmic. Yes, I was very pleased! Nice to know all the 'parts' still work! But it took me about 5 or 6 months if I recall, before it happened.

I had proper poos through the back passage after surgery and it scared the **^ outta me. But that stopped after about a 10 day period.
I had emergency surgery, so I wasnt 'empty'. I have all of my rectum and stump, only the sigmoid has been removed to protect the innocent. So, I kept having poo's for about a week and half or so, after I was moving around again after surgery.

As for mucus poos, when they come out, they FEEL like a proper poo. I think they are glorious. I did say above, it FELT like a proper poo. You must bear in mind, I've had the big D for 25 years. ANYTHING that is slightly formed for me is wonderful!
I have a colostomy and I poop via rectum at least once every other day but usually everyday! Just call me doublepoo!
Oh yes sorry two perfect nuts one bit of me that does work lol. No discussion about reversal depends on fistula! Waiting on date for an MRI
So I went to the ER Monday afternoon after a day of feeling like needing to poop, being unable to, and getting poop cramps which of course can't go away since I can't poop haha. They got more frequent and painful, leading to me going to the ER. 3 docs did rectal exams which hurt really bad and all made me bleed a bunch. I had a CT scan and was admitted to the hospital for the night.

They said my CT scan showed a stricture in the rectum. I was eventually able to poop, which was completely watery, like having bowel prep. They said the last doc was most likely able to break up the stricture a little bit, allowing me to poop finally. The pain and cramps went away.

I saw my surgeon in the morning, and he talked about what might happen with the rectum. First he wants more exams, though. Going in next Friday for more rectal exam and a scope, but under sedation. Knowing what it looks like and whether it's due to inflammation or scar tissue will help with treatment options.

Got a tapwater enema that morning (stung a lot and most of it came out right away) and am supposed to do one a week on my own. Supposed to do one Friday before the appointment, and I was told this week's can be yesterday's, and next week's be Friday's. Luckily for me haha. Not looking forward to it.
The surgeon looked with a scope before the surgery, so waking up it was unsure if I would have all, some, or no rectum left. The stricture wasn't there then, or else he would have removed it. The problem with removing all of my rectum and closing the anus is the bad rectal/anal/prei-anal Crohn's, which means removing it all could possibly leave a wound that takes a long time to heal, and might require multiple surgeries to completely fix. Again, option we will discuss next Friday.
Oh my, and you are still on Remicade and all the other drugs too? And still this happens. I'm so sorry.

Perhaps with pred foam or mesalazine foam they can get the inflammation down. But that wont fix a stricture from scar tissue. I wonder if that is what it is?

My digits are all crossed for you to get better ASAP!
The surgeon looked with a scope before the surgery, so waking up it was unsure if I would have all, some, or no rectum left. The stricture wasn't there then, or else he would have removed it. The problem with removing all of my rectum and closing the anus is the bad rectal/anal/prei-anal Crohn's, which means removing it all could possibly leave a wound that takes a long time to heal, and might require multiple surgeries to completely fix. Again, option we will discuss next Friday.
Hi Josh.

I left it too late really and so, when they removed all the anal/preanal/rectal/ area, which was in very bad condition from many years of Crohns, there was a hole the size of a large man's fist. It was left open to heal from the inside out.

My surgeon didn't believe in using anything other than saline water to clean it, but he suggested that, if I could afford it, we should use alginate (seaweeed) dressings. On the negative side, it took almost 7 months, with daily visits from the district nurses, who washed the wound and repacked it, to grow back in, On the positive side, however, I didn't get a single infection in that time, so needed no anti-biotics or any further surgery.

That was 13 years ago and, except for some tenderness still when I sit for any length of time on a very flat surface - and not being able to sit on a bike seat - it's as good as gold.

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