Not feeling so great...

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May 16, 2014
For a bit over a week now, my lower right side has been hurting, burning, cramping. Then I had a super busy weekend last weekend and missed my injection. I reminded myself Saturday morning, but by the time evening arrived I completely forgot it...and didn't remember until Tuesday evening. So, I was three days late injecting. Now I have a lot of mucous in my stool and some blood. Surely three days late wouldn't have caused all this chaos with my intestines, right? Especially since I wasn't feeling "great" right before the weekend?

I have seen posts where some don't feel well if they miss a day and others say that there should still be half-life to it. Haven't called the dr. yet, trying to wait it out before I confess my error. So not ready for another flare...
I hope you are not headed for a flarre. Srending support. I have not been on Humira yet but when I was on Remicade my body would let me know ahead of time when I was due. Best to you
Today is worse...bloating, bleeding, etc. I have had c-diff three times before but it doesn't quite seem like it yet. The last time was just six months ago. But since I have been on Humira for 18 months, would it not be unlikely to be a flare at this point? Anyone with experience advice is appreciated. Even with being on Humira for 18 months my BM have never really straightened out, but I have had moments of feeling decent (besides extreme fatigue). Now the BM are 8- 10 times a day once again, the best being 4 - 7...not sure I can cope with another hospital stay, rounds of antibiotics, bad blood counts, all the fun with crohns flares.
It sounds like you might need some other biologic other than Humira. I would contact your doctor.
Hi i agree with Ron. It maybe that humira is not right for you. Call your doctor and tell him all thats going on. Hope you feel better soon. 💕💕
Hi, I go today to see the GI. I had a really rough day yesterday, 15 BM with lots of mucous and blood. Lots of rectal spasms and right sided pain. I am sorry for the explicit details. Once I think I have this thing called Crohns figured out or that it has tamed itself and I just might go back to a somewhat normal mode, I get surprised with weeks like this. This morning hasn't been as extreme as yesterday, 5 BM so far.

I have my Lomotil and Bentyl here but I am afraid to take it because if it is something like C-Diff again, I don't want to create bigger issues. Same with the enemas and suppositories...I have those as well. Hoping to find answers this afternoon.
Update: Checking for C-Diff and other things through the stool sample, but also my sed rate, c-reactive protein. He also talked about checking my Humira Antibodies if the C-Diff comes back ok. Still feeling rough, dehydrated. Waiting game until labs come back. He did begin me on antibiotics and enemas again.
Hi lisadc. Sorry you are still having problems hun. Its all waiting isnt it, drives you mad n stresses you which doesnt help either. Hope they sort out what going on .. hugs n best wishes. Let us know how you are doing and take care 💕💋
Well, C-Diff positive once again. 4 times in 15 months. This is the worse I have felt with it I believe. Running a low grade fever, which I have never done before. My sed rate was slightly elevated - high end of norm and the C-Reactive Protein was normal range. My right side feels as if someone has stabbed me and has the knife on spin cycle. The last time my colon felt this way I lost nearly a foot of it, not a lot I know considering many of you are far anyway. Antibiotics and enemas along with my other long list of stuff...
I had cdiff for 3 months last summer. Fecal transplant was a godsend. I was cured and crossing my fingers haven't had it since
JaimeM, they have mentioned it before, the fecal transplants. I just don't know enough about it and what I do seems so unpleasant. I would really need to research it before I agreed to it. I have heard that is a successful procedure for some...not convinced it is for me. :/
Well, C-Diff positive once again. 4 times in 15 months. This is the worse I have felt with it I believe. Running a low grade fever, which I have never done before. My sed rate was slightly elevated - high end of norm and the C-Reactive Protein was normal range. My right side feels as if someone has stabbed me and has the knife on spin cycle. The last time my colon felt this way I lost nearly a foot of it, not a lot I know considering many of you are far anyway. Antibiotics and enemas along with my other long list of stuff...
I hope that you recover quickly.
JaimeM, they have mentioned it before, the fecal transplants. I just don't know enough about it and what I do seems so unpleasant. I would really need to research it before I agreed to it. I have heard that is a successful procedure for some...not convinced it is for me. :/

I'd go for the fecal transplant. I've witnessed nothing but fantastic results for people suffering with recurring cdiff infections.
Good call on the Humira antibody check too...sounds like your gi Doc is doing a good job. ;-)
Sorry you're suffering right now though. It's such a rough go of it. I know. Hugsss
Well, I landed myself in the progressively worse and then had complications in the er with the diladud (sp?), my potassium, magnesium, etc...can't hold anything down, water, meds, etc...forget about food. With all this going on, more importantly is my mother is in her final days and is over 1,000 miles away from me. I can't be there to say my good-byes and I am crushed beyond words could ever be said.
Sorry Lisa... I want to encourage you about the fecal transplant.. You would never have known it was different from a colonscopy in the end. The prep was a little longer and a little rougher but I felt better within days :) I used my sister as a donor. The worse part for me was trying to hold it in after the procedure. You're so full of air and want to let the gas out, but need to try to hold it in as long as you can. I'm sorry you're having such a tough time.. It will get better!
Oh Lisa im so so sorry hun. I cant imagine how you must be feeling hun. I can but send my love n support . As little as that is at this time, it is sent from the bottom of my heart. :hug:💞💕💋💋
Well, I landed myself in the progressively worse and then had complications in the er with the diladud (sp?), my potassium, magnesium, etc...can't hold anything down, water, meds, etc...forget about food. With all this going on, more importantly is my mother is in her final days and is over 1,000 miles away from me. I can't be there to say my good-byes and I am crushed beyond words could ever be said.

Big hugs to you! I'm so sorry you can't be with your mom. My heart goes out to you. 💕
Still in the hospital...been a rough day. This morning wasn't as bad, until they introduced food. Then they had me prep for contrast CT; the stuff was coming out my nose. Nauseated is an understatement. Between the drink and the food attempts, 15 bm so far. Hoping for a better day tomorrow with good results.
Still in the hospital...been a rough day. This morning wasn't as bad, until they introduced food. Then they had me prep for contrast CT; the stuff was coming out my nose. Nauseated is an understatement. Between the drink and the food attempts, 15 bm so far. Hoping for a better day tomorrow with good results.
Hope you are better soon.
Still in the hospital...been a rough day. This morning wasn't as bad, until they introduced food. Then they had me prep for contrast CT; the stuff was coming out my nose. Nauseated is an understatement. Between the drink and the food attempts, 15 bm so far. Hoping for a better day tomorrow with good results.

Big hugs. Hoping too, tomorrow is better for you!!
Well, I got discharged this evening. Sent home on Dificid for another full week and then a vanco taper for six weeks after that. Feeling rather rough, but hopeful to get back to the classroom to my kiddoes at the beginning of next week. Lots of rest for the next three days.
Well, I got discharged this evening. Sent home on Dificid for another full week and then a vanco taper for six weeks after that. Feeling rather rough, but hopeful to get back to the classroom to my kiddoes at the beginning of next week. Lots of rest for the next three days.

So happy you're home. Rest and hope you feel better soon!!! Hugsss
Hi Lisa. Glad you are home hun. You will feel a bit rough for a bit, but hopefully much better very soon. Take it easy and any help offered grab with both hands for a few days. Love n hugs 💕💋
Hi, still not back to myself at all. Went back to work yesterday, snow day today. I had my follow-up appointment today and he said I was still dehydrated & ran more labs. It has been harder to recover this time. I am still on Difficid and I will begin the Vanco on Thursday for six weeks.

Also, yesterday afternoon my mother passed away after suffering for almost 4 years from a non-recoverable stroke. My heart is crushed beyond words, but my faith in my Savior and the outpouring love from family and friends has helped as much as can be. We travel tomorrow to go to Texas for the services. My doctor is concerned about me traveling, however I cannot fathom the thought of not being there.

Thank you all so much for checking in on me and for your support.
Lisa, my heart goes out to you. I'm so sorry for your loss. I'll be thinking of you, that your travel goes smoothly and your health permits you to cherish This time with your family. Big hugs!!!!!