Okay, not sure if many will read this, but I'm new to the forum as of today, and the note says I need to create a thread, so I best do what I'm told!
I was originally diagnosed with UC 3 years ago. After a very bad bout of food poisoning that never seemed to go away, eventually leading to symptoms of UC, where I began the IBD "journey". To this day, I still believe I got IBD as a result of going on 3 different antibiotics to stop the food poisoning. I was never told to take probiotics (i.e. acidophilus), at that time, and I think that messed with my gut forever. But, I suppose that's another story for another day.
I have had times where I have been in remission, but last year, was my worst flare up experience EVER. During a flareup, I managed to get a C-Diff infection as well, leaving me quite literally crippled and hopsitalised for a long time. That time was not fun. Did I mention I was on "holiday" during this time? After this, the doc said I most likely have Crohn's.
At the moment, I'm in another flare up. This is scary for me, because, while I'm thankful I've been flare up free for 14 mos, because the last one was such a frightening experience, I'm nervous about this one (who isn't though?!).
Yesterday, I was feeling particularly worse, horrible cramping couldn't even move out of the fetal position. I went to the nurse/docs today at the uni i'm studying at, and they made me see a nurse first, when I specifically asked to see the doc. In the end, they saw the urgency for me to see a doc and I ended up staying 1 hour longer in the place, which, annoyingly landed me a 60quid parking clamp (b/c I only paid for 1 hour,not 2hrs)! ARGH! I was in tears and upset and angry. I NEVER drive to the uni, I live so close, but I was in so much pain, I couldn't walk or cycle there.
Not to mention, it's the first real, nice warm day of summer (which usually don't last too long here), and a bank holiday weekend, and I'm stuck at home feeling sorry for myself.
I know like most of us, we wish there was a magic trick that would cure it all...forever. Until then, I suppose I need to learn to cope and deal with it...as well as vent and get frustrated and upset every now and again.
If you've gotten this far in my book, thanks for reading. I'm truly delighted that there is something like this. Support is so important.
I was originally diagnosed with UC 3 years ago. After a very bad bout of food poisoning that never seemed to go away, eventually leading to symptoms of UC, where I began the IBD "journey". To this day, I still believe I got IBD as a result of going on 3 different antibiotics to stop the food poisoning. I was never told to take probiotics (i.e. acidophilus), at that time, and I think that messed with my gut forever. But, I suppose that's another story for another day.
I have had times where I have been in remission, but last year, was my worst flare up experience EVER. During a flareup, I managed to get a C-Diff infection as well, leaving me quite literally crippled and hopsitalised for a long time. That time was not fun. Did I mention I was on "holiday" during this time? After this, the doc said I most likely have Crohn's.
At the moment, I'm in another flare up. This is scary for me, because, while I'm thankful I've been flare up free for 14 mos, because the last one was such a frightening experience, I'm nervous about this one (who isn't though?!).
Yesterday, I was feeling particularly worse, horrible cramping couldn't even move out of the fetal position. I went to the nurse/docs today at the uni i'm studying at, and they made me see a nurse first, when I specifically asked to see the doc. In the end, they saw the urgency for me to see a doc and I ended up staying 1 hour longer in the place, which, annoyingly landed me a 60quid parking clamp (b/c I only paid for 1 hour,not 2hrs)! ARGH! I was in tears and upset and angry. I NEVER drive to the uni, I live so close, but I was in so much pain, I couldn't walk or cycle there.
Not to mention, it's the first real, nice warm day of summer (which usually don't last too long here), and a bank holiday weekend, and I'm stuck at home feeling sorry for myself.
I know like most of us, we wish there was a magic trick that would cure it all...forever. Until then, I suppose I need to learn to cope and deal with it...as well as vent and get frustrated and upset every now and again.
If you've gotten this far in my book, thanks for reading. I'm truly delighted that there is something like this. Support is so important.