Not sure how to deal with this?

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Nov 17, 2010
not sure how to deal with this?

so this is the third time ive had this problem and im not sure if its me flaring or what. I cannot use the toilet and there is alot of pressure built up down around my lower bowel , the pain is very sharp and hurts even when i just walk around, BASICALLY it hurts no matter what. the only relief ive gotten was very small bowel movements which make me scream in pain. poor boyfriend thought i was dying! is this a blockage or just a flare? im so miserable, we spent the entire day moving yesterday into our very first house and I couldnt even enjoy it! i need advice or info, im esscentially desperate for relief! :(:confused2:
Those were my symptoms when I finally went to the ER and they told me I was so inflammed that almost no "pooh" could come out. Just little bits like you. After receiving Flagyl and Prednisone the inflammation went down and awwww I could go big potty again.

hope this helps.
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what is ccp? i have an appointment for the 6th, but i was debating going to the doctor if i didnt feel better tomorrow
right now im just on drinking as much fluid as i can and havent eatten anything as of yet. thinking of having a baked potato... but the pain is brutal but this is the third time in a month .
Man, I wouldn't wait. Pain and me just don't get along. Can you go to the ER there? I just worry about you over the weekend (it's the mother in me so just go with it!). I hate to see you suffer if you don't need to.
I get this from time to time. I don't really know what causes it, but it does hurt so bad, I feel for you!
So I too get this, and the drs think its narrowing causing things to back up. Narrowing caused by lots of inflammation....If I were you I would get in to see the DR asap, you dont want to mess around with possible narrowing and/or obstruction.
thanks for the info bev, thats what i was thinking! however i have had quite a few bm's today even though they were horribly painful i was glad that something was moving out.. when you have this problem what do your doctor normally do for you as a treatment?
Ive been put on steriods to get the inflammation under control. By calming inflammation things are easier to move through. Also, it was suggested to take something to help soften and move your bowels, I use colace and doculax.....however it can too cause a lot of pain. Try and stay on a low residue diet and lots of fluid until things calm down a bit and your able to go easier. I would definately still contact dr just to see if they have any further advice for ya.
good luck ccp, I am going through this with you as we speak. Just had tests and scans, it is narrowing... a partial obstruction caused by inflamation and scar tissue. I took lax for 1 1/2 weeks to no avail. the pain is HORRIBLE! I feel for you. My dr is doing... well... nothing. Hope yours cares more than mine. I wish you luck, and just a tip, if you have to use a lax, start out with the gentle-ist one you can find. I think Mirilax is prob good. Check with your doc though :) :hugs:
If you have any narrowing in your bowel you very well could be blocked. Or you could just be constipated. This was my problem just after I started 40 mg of Prednisone/day after being diagnosed with Crohn's. My Gastro doctor told me to start on some stool softeners twice a day and I was better. Maybe you could try that? But if the pain gets ny worse I would definitely go to the doctor or hosital. Have you feel better soon! :)
thanks folks for all the kind words and advice! am feeling slightly better today but still hurt every time i attempt to eat and my bms are excruciating! but i figure as long as i am using the toilet that it would mean im not blocked is that right? i did take some stool softners which have helped today.. i just cant get over the pain of using the toilet , it basicaly makes me never want to eat again! food just isnt worth this at all.. i am sticking to lots of fluids and low residue diet for now. hoping tomorrow i improve some again!
Do you have any narrowing in your bowels at all? If not then the chances that you are blocked are less. If you are still going then I would say that maybe you are just a bit constipated.... If you are worried I would definitely go to the hospital, especially if you get any worse....
i do have narrowing! i think it is possible that im just very inflamed< i ate a few things that probably shouldnt have last week
Hi! another atlantic canadian here... hope you're feeling better today.

I think you're right, and if I was in your shoes, I would stick with a liquid or very low residue diet for a bit and get into the dr. soon.

My GI clinic has a helpline number to call whenever I have questions about whether I should go to the hospital or not - maybe you have the same thing in Nfld? The Nurse practitioner is usually good about calling me back quickly.
Have you been checked for fissures/fistulas? When I had mine erupt, it was excrutiating to go.....or is your pain higher up?

Glad youa re doind better - I would still make sure the doc knows about this as it could be blockage/constipation and you sure don't want to perforate anything!