Not sure if I'm taking correct aza dosage

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Jul 1, 2012

I currently weigh about 7 stone 7 which is about 105 pounds i think. I've been taking aza for 4 weeks along with budesonide and my symptoms have improved a lot. I started on 50 mg of aza for 4 weeks and my bm were back to normal ( finally after 6 months!).

Anyway, they wanted me to start at 50 with a view to increase. I have done that a week ago but now I go once a day and feel like I'm constipated! I'm now on 100 mg.

Is it possible to treat the crohns at 50mg?

May be I'm just not used to going so few a times?
I am glad you are feeling better. If I were you, I would call the doctor and ask that question. The doctor can decide whether or not you should remain at 100mg or go back down to 50 mg. If you still feel constipated, try changing your diet, such as eating more fruit and vegetables.
I'd check with the doctor on the dosage, they should be able to check the dosage levels (if it is correct) through bloodwork - I think. Definitely try more fruits and vegetables to get things "moving"