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Dec 18, 2009
Hey everyone,
I feel bad because i'm constantly in here, thank you everyone for being so supportive.

Things have been really rough the past couple of days. within minutes of eating/drinking anything, even just a glass of water, i'm running to the bathroom. there is no texture anymore, basically just light brown or green water. I'm also vomitting violently, seems like basically bile to me, with some specks in it that look like poppyseed.

I went to the emergency yesterday because i just felt so rotten and couldn't take it anymore, the pain was unreal, and gravol was just coming back out whole. (i guess i could try a gravol supp, but think that would just stimulate me to go)
The doctor came in and was "i see you have been here a lot lately", and seemed disinterested. gave me some fluids, some iv gravol and morphine, which just made me puke more, and sent me away, told me to make sure i get 50cc of fluid an hour.

I'm just so frustrated. It seems like there's nothing to be done, and i just don't understand how they can keep sending me home. They even blew off the specks in my vomit as seeds....It's like, i haven't eaten seeds or nuts in weeks, because i know we don't agree. They didn't even do an xray to check for obstruction, which is my fear, because they said it would have shown up on the CT 3 weeks ago...>Well, what if it wasn't there three weeks ago? :voodoo:

Anyways...Thanks for listening, i'm just feeling so hopeless. I'm going to call about a private colonoscopy tomorrow, now that the holidays are over, and hopefully we can figure something out.
Oh wow Tamesis, I'm so sorry you've had a really bad experience.

I also had many bad experiences in the ER-they sent me home even though I was passing 10-15 bloody stools a day and my primary physician had sent me to the emergency room telling me it was never ok to have that much blood lost... Alas, when I got the ER they didn't do ANYTHING for me but recommend me to a GI specialist.

The breakthrough for me finally came when I went to the GI. I was lucky to find a good GI on the first go-round and got taken seriously from my very first visit with her--they prescribed me several meds from the get-go, however, I didn't start the regimen I"m on now until after the colonoscopy. They got me in for a colonoscopy 3 days from the initial visit--FAST! It was such a change from the treatment I got at the ER.

Best of luck. I would say stick with it until you find a good GI--ER docs just aren't trained to deal with gastroenterology issues like ours. They think if you don't have a limb falling off, etc. they can send you home. :-(
Oh wow Tamesis, I'm so sorry you've had a really bad experience.

I also had many bad experiences in the ER-they sent me home even though I was passing 10-15 bloody stools a day and my primary physician had sent me to the emergency room telling me it was never ok to have that much blood lost... Alas, when I got the ER they didn't do ANYTHING for me but recommend me to a GI specialist.

The breakthrough for me finally came when I went to the GI. I was lucky to find a good GI on the first go-round and got taken seriously from my very first visit with her--they prescribed me several meds from the get-go, however, I didn't start the regimen I"m on now until after the colonoscopy. They got me in for a colonoscopy 3 days from the initial visit--FAST! It was such a change from the treatment I got at the ER.

Best of luck. I would say stick with it until you find a good GI--ER docs just aren't trained to deal with gastroenterology issues like ours. They think if you don't have a limb falling off, etc. they can send you home. :-(
yes, you definately do need to get yourself a GI. The hard bit tends to be getting there and once you are in the right hands things start to get done. A colonoscopy would be a good idea. And have you had any blood tests? They are good indicators at what is going on.
I definately agree that in ER they dont know what to do. Good luck with everything and hang in there! Keep fighting, its the only way to get heard.
x x x x
i did see a GI a couple weeks ago, we have a colonscopy booked for May. I'm on a wait list, hopefully things come quicker. I'll give them a call tomorrow and hopefully he can bump things up for me.
I'm sorry Tam - you have just been going through it! I don't know the ins and outs of the Canadian medical system. It amazes me - seems like they could practically send you home to die and have no worries about doing so. I hate saying this, but I wonder if there is information out there about "working the system" to get you where you need to go quicker when you are having these serious types of issues. Hope you can get seen by a specialist *soon* - and keep those fluids going. Feel better!!!
tamesis said:
Hey everyone,
I feel bad because i'm constantly in here, thank you everyone for being so supportive.
No WAY! That's what we're here for! Don't feel bad for needing support, silly.
May is too long to wait for the colonoscopy, you're right to try and get it moved up.
I hope you get some relief really soon.
Crikey Tam, that is insane! How can they send you home when you are that sick? I just don't get it. Vomitting is not good and can indicate and obstruction. I'd go back and try again, as painful and annoying as that may be.
Get to feeling better soon eh?

My Butt Hurts said:
No WAY! That's what we're here for! Don't feel bad for needing support, silly.
May is too long to wait for the colonoscopy, you're right to try and get it moved up.
I hope you get some relief really soon.

I echo this! Don't feel bad for needing hugs! We love to give them!

Hope you find answers soon.
well, i called my Gastro and have an appt. with them on Wednesday, hopefully that will move things up a little quicker.
Great you have an appt, with Crohns, and hospitals, if you go to a smaller one or alot of times they do get to know you after awhile, and most doctors who know anything about Crohns, knows there is no rhyme or reason you are having a flare or obstructing. We all avoid going to hospitals but when you gotta go, you gotta go, so dont worry, it wont be your last either I am sure. Just look after yourself ok? Let us know what your Gastro says!
Thanks again for the support. While i have no diagnosis, i'm unfortunately pretty sure it's crohns i'm dealing with. I know that having no diagnosis is what is stopping me from getting decent hospital care, i'm sure to them i just look like a drug seeker...WHich i guess i am, LOL, however for the right reasons!

Hopefully when he sees me wednesday he will decide to get me in for a colonoscopy quicker than may...
tamesis said:
LOL. And maybe a few bottles of beer? And some chicken wings?

Oooh, and while you are at it, go get some smokes and chainsmoke for a couple of days while drinking copious amounts of strong coffee - that will really do it! ;)
LOL. And they don't have a bathroom in the office, it's down the hall and you need to get a key....I could even have an accident in his office....I bet that would trigger something! :p
hahha, you actually have to go through the process of getting a key to go to the loo at the GI!!!????

Do they not KNOW about Crohn's???
Baaahaa!! That is WEIRD with the bathroom thing...I mean - seriously? Although - when I get my Remi infusions there is an employee only bathroom right across the hall from the infusion room (that is full of Crohnies mind you). Our bathroom is wwwaaaaaayyyy down the hall. You have to unplug your infusion machine and roll your IV tree down the freakin' hallway! Talk about bad planning. Although WE don't need a key..... ;)
Well, i'm not going all out, but i am having a lovely, strong cup of coffee. Why the heck not, right? LOL. I'll regret it later, i'm sure, but i haven't had coffee in months, and today seemed as good a day as any. :)
Well, i wonder what he'll say....My hopes are not high, but i'm curious. My mom seems to think he'll be admitting me to hospital, but i don't know, i just don't think they're taking this whole situation very seriously. I just don't know......And at this point, i can't even keep my symptoms straight in my brain....i'm going to have to write it out before i go. ARGH, i can't wait for this to be over.
Keep us posted....I hope you don't get admitted, but if that's the only way for you to get some help, it has to be done.
Alrighty, so he deffinately seems concerned, but not panicked. Doesn't want to treat anything still because it could be a plethera of things, namely celiac and crohns seems to be where he's leaning...He said take more regular doses of tylenol and gravol, sent me for MORE bloodwork and stool samples (i've pooped in a jar more times than i can count since this alls tarted! LOL), and the best part, he put me at the TOP of the cancellation list. I mean, it's no guarantee, but they said they get cancellations pretty frequently, so odds are i'll be in within the next few weeks. :)

Feeling a little less hopeless, and almost happy things took a bit of a turn, as odd as that sounds.....
Some great news! Top of the list woot. The waiting list could go fast, it is flu season and if people are sick they wont do the scope. Hopefully it will be sooner than expected. Getting the facts of your disease is good because then you can learn to deal with it. Glad you are a little more at ease. Fingers crossed!
Good news tamesis...As much as I like you around here, I really hope you don't have Crohn's. :)
Yay! Hopefully someone will drop off and you too can enjoy the wonderfulness of PREP! Just kidding girl. I know you are excited to get it figured out. I hope they can put a label to it and get you started on some good treatment so you can get on with being a newlywed!!!
yay Prep, i can't wait! I've been reading all the stories and am SOOOO jealous, i can't wait until i have to drink nasty stuff 'til i puke, while pooping, until it's not even poop anymore! ;)

I hope i don't have Crohns too, however if they tell me i have IBS i'm gonna cry.....simply because i've tried all the treatments for IBS and they aren't working, and feel like it would be as bad as no diagnosis at all.
I hope you get some answers really soon Pam. It's not fair to be feeling this ill and not getting anything treated. I am surprised they don;t just give you some steroids for a bit to see it if helps - that would be a sure indicator of some sort of IBD!
WOWZAAAA!!! I just read your posts! I can't even believe your GI and hospitals out there. I am in Ontario, and from time to time I wonder if we really do have this great health care system that everyone talks so highly about, but I must say, it is MUCH easier in the city that i live to get tests, diagnosis, specialists etc...and all that fun stuff. You will get in soon, people cancel all the time...Especially because it is the most dreaded test (although is sooooooo isn't that bad) so people get nervous, scared, and bail on even going. Words of wisdom (although I am sure they have a thread about this somewhere) Get Pico Salix, which is what most GI's in Canada prescribe. If he doesn't prescribe this, ask him about it. It is the easiest to drink, tastes OK, and you only have to drink a small amount. Gravol is OK to have so do it. Drink Gatorade, buy bum cream lol, SOFT T.P is a MUST and some magazines! Only clear liquids which means a glass of white wine is allowed :) GOOD LUCK!!! I hope you get your diagnosis soon.
I agree with Kacey, Pico salax tastes good and only 2 cups, all the Gi's are switching to it in Canada. I was told no red or grape jello, it hides blood in the intestines.

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