Nurse tore me with enema, feelin low.

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Mar 23, 2010
Im new to this site, and have been looking for a chat room, to hopefully meet people that are in the same situation as me, and to ask advice to. i havent found one yet, but feel so low, that i needed to share whats happened to me so far.

I have been suffering "cramps" for a few yaers now, and in January 09 decided enough was enough after the pain was so bad for nearly a year that at points i couldnt even walk up the stairs.
I went to my gp, and was refered to hospital. it took 5 months for me to see a consultant, who advised me to have a sygnoidoscopy. So 2 months later I went into hospital. The dr doing the sygnoidoscopy said it was a waste of time, and if he was my consultant he wouldnt have sent me for this as he said i definatly had irritable bowls ( the result of this exanimation showed i do in fact have crohns). Anyway so im sitting there feeling like im waisting his time (and my own) when i get called into have my enema (1st time). The nurse told me to lay on my side with legs pulled up and then just shoved it up my backside. i screamed and nearly fell off the bed.
I said to her it really hurts, but she said, "its up there now, we will finish the job, nearly all done" and proceeded to put the fluid into my bowls.
She then took out the pipe, told me to use the toilet when needed, and walked off.
I was too embarresed to make a fuss, and i was dreading haveing the sygnoidoscopy, and was at hospital alone. So i didnt mention anything. So in October i went to my gp as my backside was becoming extreamly sore, so she gave me steriods. I went back in Jan, and she gave me more steriods. Then in feb i had my consultants appointment, and he checked my back passage and found i had a "tear" from when the enema pipe was inserted.
I was taken into hospital within 6 weeks and have just had surgery where they have had to "open" the wound to help it to heal. So everytime i use the toilet i have to "clean" that area to stop infection, which is upto 8 times a day. Its very very sore, and my crohns is getting worse latley. To the point where i dont want to eat anything because i know when i need the toliet the cramps will be awful, and when i do pass its painful "there" too.
Im supposed to have a sygnoidoscopy/colonoscopy to check all my bowl as only 1/4 was origanly checked, but they cant until my backside is better.

Im feeling so fed up, and im so sorry i have written an essay about this, I dont know what to do or who to speak to. im in constant pain with my tummy, and my backside has been unbearble for nearly 8 months, there seems to be no end in sight. And i havent even been told yet, what i can do to make my crohns any better reguarding food etc... Im just trying to figure it all out from what ive read online. Ive asked my gp to get me in contact with a dietician, but im still waiting 5 months later.

i dont know what to do, im at my wits end.
Wow, you have been going through a lot :( I am so sorry for what has happened to you. It really is unfortunate that there are some people in the healthcare field that have absolutely no business being there. That nurse had no right to treat you like that, ignoring you when you told her something wasn't right with the enema tip. Of course you know your body better than her, and she should have listened!!! I've never had this happen to me (thank goodness-I wouldn't want that to happen to anyone!!) but I am so sorry for what you have been going through... Hopefully the healing process will be quick so you can get your colonoscopy done. I'm still waiting for a colonoscopy myself after waiting months for a referal to the doctor who can perform the procedure, so I know how awful the waiting feels. But hang in there and hopefully things will get better soon!!!
beccap81 said:
Im new to this site,.

Hello and welcome to the site.
I am so sorry to hear of the bad discomforts you have been experiencing and hope you will soon feel a bit better.
In my opinion you have been treated abysmally by the nursing and medical profession.You have sustained a long lasting injury from an incompetent nurse and she should not be allowed to get away with this, to do it to someone else.
Have you considered a lawsuit against the nurse and her employer?
I don't know which country you are in, but treatments and expertise can vary so greatly.
I know I would be looking for competent gastro enterologists and your GP should be doing that for you.
There is no way you should be waiting great time spans for help in your acute situation,it is unbelievable.
Try to find a reputable university hospital with a good GI set up, then go screaming to their emergency department.Insist on their help, don't be afraid you have plenty of evidence of a problem.
You need proper diagnosis, proper medication, diet and lots of TLC from the medical team and lots of ongoing support..
Hope this will soon be the case.
Do not continue to suffer.At the very least-------
Take someone with you for support and go to your GP again and absolutely insist on some action.
Squeaky doors get oiled soonest and you really need help soon.
((((hugs and prayers)))))
ann splash
Wow I am so sorry that is all awful. I wish you the best of luck and hope you heal quickly.

And if I may ask, where are you from?

That sux

that's one reason I refuse to let any nurse do an enema on me, an do it myself ad I know I'll be gentle especially if it starts to hurt
it's very sensative back there and those enima tips I say are far to sharp

hope things improve for you fast
are you on prednisone??
This will help with the pain etc and heal you faster being a steroid
I am horrified that this has happened to you. You need an appointment wth a GI
Dr. If you can't get one go to the ER and scream bloody murder. Go to the same facilty that tore into your rectum and let them have it. I bet they will admit you and get some relief I am a nurse and they have to address your pain issues in the ER if you are in the US.
Hi Beccap
and welcome

Glad that you have found us for help and support
I can only agree with everyone about everything that has been said, and I hope you can muster up some courage to go back and scream for some attention.
Let us know where you are from too
Like Rob said, Pred should ease your pain hopefully
good luck, and we'll see you around the forum
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
What a Mess You put up with, Sooo Sorry.
At the Very least you Should Pay NOTHING.
Talk to an Attorney just for a Counsel. At least you will know if you have a case and peace of mind (If possible)?
You have Been Wronged Big Time.
I Wish You Well .........
Yikes, that is a terrible thing that has happened to you. My advice is don't count on physicians for answers or expect them to do anything in a timely manner. Get online and find yourself a dietician. Where are you located?

Also, check out Jini Patel's web site. I believe she has some information on healing "backside" problems. And do reserach research research. That is key! Bring what you find to your doctor and demand action.

Good luck!!
:welcome: Glad you found us-especially after everything you've been through! Yeah,Rob's right on the money-I never, ever let a nurse insert anything, whether it's an enema or a suppository. You'd think nurses would realize that when you have that much inflammation you can't just cram things in without tearing the tissue!
Pred would definitely help you heal. Calmoseptine cream might provide some topical relief, you can buy it at any drugstore or Walmart, but it's behind the pharmacy counter so you have to ask for it. Wishing you a speedy healing process and better days ahead.:) Keep us posted.
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That's awful. It angers me when I hear about people in the medical profession treating people like they don't matter and not handling patients with care. I suppose I am lucky when I had an enema the girl I had was very gentle and inserted it very slowly. I can't imagine someone shoving something like that up my bum so forcefully. I agree with others who said this nurse should not be allowed to get away with that. I can only imagine how manny others people suffered at the hands of her careless technique. I hope you find the right doctors who will treat you properly. So sorry to hear what you've ben through.
Hi and welcome,
wow it's sounds like you've had a real terrible time.
Which country are you in? can you get your gp to refer you to a different GI?
hang in there! Hope you get some help soon!!


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