Off to Hospital again!

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Aug 28, 2011
Well so much for my poor boy improving :thumbdown:
He has been absolutely exhausted the last few days (and rather clingy) and unfortunately the abcess is getting really sore again :yfrown::yfrown::yfrown:
Andrew only managed a half day at school today and came home and went to bed to rest. He is getting too sore to sit on the hard seats at school again.
So back on the phone to the IBD nurse and she spoke to the surgeon who will give him an anaesthetic again on Thursday and have a good look/clean.
Not sure why he's so tired as it's apparently not a side effect of the Aza. Sad again!
I'm so sorry...this is just the reason we are always waiting for the other shoe to drop huh?

I don' know anything about abcesses but will be sending lots of positive and healing thoughts your way.

Hang in there mama!
I am so sorry to hear that. It's such a roller coaster and just when you think your days are sunny, out come the clouds.

I hope everything improves and that this is just a little bump. Hang in there...
Hi there,

How are you going? I hope things are on the improve.

My son had a perianal abscess a year ago, so I know how painful they are from him. He is doing well now, so it can happen.

Hang in there.

Look after yourselves,
Lily Rose
Sascot, hope he's feeling a bit better and you get some answers/solutions at the apptmt tomorrow! :)
We are also dealing with a lack of energy. This symptom has been around for my son since just prior to diagnosis at the end of January. It is so bad that he hasn't made it through a whole day of school since then (usually only goes for 2 - 3 hours). At the beginning I think this was caused by the disease not being controlled well (he had lost a lot of weight, was anemic, etc.). Now I think it's cause may have changed and I think it may be due to a combination of chronic pain and some depression (with the chronic pain causing the depression).
Thanks everyone! Got an afternoon appointment for theatre tomorrow - so he gets to have breakfast :). However I do have to get up at 6.15am to make it :(
Managed 3 hours at school today and slightly less tired. He's laughing away at something he's looking at on the computer - so nice to hear it!!
LilyRose - how long did it take for the abcess to go away? It is so unpleasant for them.
Well we are home! I should be in my bed but I sat down at the computer and can't seem to drag myself up out the seat :lol2:
Things went fine today - they finally took Andrew at 3.30pm and the surgeon was happy with his healing so far. He thinks it was the over-granulated tissue that was raw and causing pain so he scraped that away - yuck!
Andrew had a pre-med for the first time today :ylol: it was hysterical. "Why can't I sit up mom?" "My arms and legs aren't working properly". Dear me, I was quite amused. He also slept for ages afterwards to unfortunately he never got his fish and chips, but we stopped in for take away on the way home. Thanks for all the good wishes.
I am so glad he is home and that things went well. Now keeping my fingers crossed that he heals up quickly!
Hi! I totally missed your thread and so hadn't been following what was going on - so sorry he has been sore again, but glad that the surgeon was able to take away all the granulated tissue causing the problem, glad also that you are all home again - and sorry that you all missed out on the fish and chips!!!! I am wishing you all a good weekend and hope that the healing is quick and as painless as possible. xx
PS Freddys pre-med made me laugh as well - he would just sit there and all of a sudden look up at me with the dreamiest biggest grin on his face - so cute!