Operation for fistulas?

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Jan 10, 2010
I am posting on behalf of my husband. He was dx with crohns in october. The past month he has had a perianal abcess that after 3 stays in hospital has refused to budge and he has been so unwell. His crohns has flared up and eventually we did see the consulant. He has had an MRI that has shown he has extensive fistulas. We have looked into fistulas but we are still confused? We would be very grateful if anyone with experience could share with us the operation and recovery time?? Thank you so much. It's such a worrying time :(
I just had a (unexpected) fistula surgery last Friday. The surgery itself was easy, I was asleep.They cut the fistula open and sutured it. The recovery wasnt extremally difficult, but I was defiantly sore. They gave me pain pills which helped a lot. They may, and probably will have him take stool softeners(sp?) for a little while. I am still taking them(not sure how long I have to coninue to take them?) I didnt have any retrictions hardly after though, other than I couldnt take a bath or shower the day of the surgery, and couldnt sit in a hot tub, had to take showers(which sucked because I love hot HOT baths) other than that, they didnt tell me any restrictions, though I did, and still am being more careful just in case. For the most part now, im still a little sore at times, but not bad at all. So recover time was pretty quick.=)
Hi I have Crohn's but do not suffer from fistulas but my daughter has Crohn's also and does have them, so I can sympathise with your husband on this one. Don't you have a Crohn's nurse who can explane things to you? We do and she is an angel!!! Good luck hope all turns out ok Kind Regards Sue :goodluck:

I am posting on behalf of my husband. He was dx with crohns in october. The past month he has had a perianal abcess that after 3 stays in hospital has refused to budge and he has been so unwell. His crohns has flared up and eventually we did see the consulant. He has had an MRI that has shown he has extensive fistulas. We have looked into fistulas but we are still confused? We would be very grateful if anyone with experience could share with us the operation and recovery time?? Thank you so much. It's such a worrying time :(
i had a perianal fissure and fistula. i thought it was hemmies and sat on it for six weeks. Went to the surgeon, had already been on antibiotics for flare so it went well, it's been a month and it still hurts to poop (but i am flaring too so you know). they put me completely under, and it was so painful before that the recovery pain was a blessed relief. they put a very strong local on it and it lasted a long time. pooped my pants because i couldnt feel anything..classy! i went out to dinner the next night. i did not need a seton as mine was superficial. i have an ass kit that includes prep-h, hydrocortisone cream, and neosporin. i use witch hazel wipes every time i go. i got my husband to put in a hand held shower head so i could "sitz-shower". i soak in epsom salt and oatmeal baths too for wound care. i know it is a lot to keep up with - wound care is hard work! i hope your hubby feels better afterward and that his goes as well as mine did. i was back at work in 5 days.
I too had a perianal fistula and abscess, this was in Oct '09.

The CR surgeon opened it up and cleaned it out. Two Setons were placed for drainage.

I had been on Flagyl (Uuch!) and Cipro from 10/18/09 thru 7/1/10.

The drainage slowed down somewhat but it was very miserable going.

I was put on Humira the end of April. The fistula has gotten much better on the Humira.

BUT...it goes through a healing and opening cycle based on the Humira dosing, every two weeks..

The fistula will reopen two days before my next injection and start to close again two days after the injection. I had been hopeful that the Humira would actually "cure" the fistula but no such luck. My doc has prepared me with the possibility that this is the way it will be for the rest of my life. I have gotten used to it, I don't like it but heck it could be a hell of a lot worse.

The main thing is keeping the area as clean as possible. Frequent hot baths or Sitz bath are essential.

My doc said that he does not do fistulotomy or fistulectomy due to the Crohn's......they come back.

Fistulas are a long process, don't let anyone kid you.

Good Luck and keep your chins up!!
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