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Jan 26, 2010
So, I had a trantruming (yes, I know that's not a word...lol) 5 year old on my hands tonight. I finally got tired of it and threw her over my shoulder and hauled her off to bed kicking and screaming (I really should have thought this out ahead of time...). Well, one of the kicks landed squarely on Ocsar's head. OMG...Fortunately for me, I was on an adrenaline high or I would have dropped myself and my step-daughter down the stairs. But now, 6 hours later, it's quite painful! It was bleeding like a s.o.b. right after it happened, but that has stopped and now there's just a pain like a bruise. I don't see any cuts or swelling on my stoma, so I think he's going to survive. If it's bad in the morning I'll head to the doctor...but I think it'll be alright.

So, for those of you wondering how much trauma a stoma can take without permanent damage, a kick from a 5 yr old girl won't break it....lol

What a night!
Phew Cindy, bet that hurt!
I can imagine the pain is like being kicked in the balls! (even tho I haven't got any)
Do they make crash helmets for stomas?
Go to the doc if it doesn't subside,
take care
Just a wee update...Oscar looks alright, but I do have one big nasty bruise on the skin around him!
Phew Cindy, bet that hurt!
I can imagine the pain is like being kicked in the balls! (even tho I haven't got any)

Says who???? :)

Glad Oscar is feeling better! That must have been some kick to leave a bruise like that!

Take care of yourself! (and hope the kid has calmed down too!)

- Amy