Pain back after Colonoscopy

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Nov 10, 2012
A little background if you haven't seen my story in the other forums (sorry to be repetitive, but I think it's relevant): On November 5, I was admitted to the hospital with sharp stomach pains on my right side. After staying for a few days and being subjected to a few CT scans, it appeared that my small intestine was inflamed, and that the wall of my small intestine was possibly thickened in some areas. After being treated with antibiotics both inpatient and outpatient, a further CT scan showed that the inflammation was subsiding, and my pain had greatly decreased. However, my doctor wanted me to have a colonscopy just to see what was going on, and to determine whether or not I had had a severe infection, or if it was something more chronic, like Crohn's.

I had the colonoscopy yesterday, and for all intents and purposes, it seemed to go quite well. To everyone's surprise, the colonoscopy came back totally normal - everything looked great. I felt totally fine afterwards, and my doctor basically told me that to just get on with things as normal, monitor my symptoms, and she'd contact me when the biopises came back.

Post-colonoscopy, I had a little bit of lunch, slept, ate some dinner, and went to bed. Everything seemed fine except for some gas pains here and there. However, since waking up this morning, I've been experiencing a constant pain on the right side of my stomach, where I was having those sharp pains before. It's not sharp, but it's been aching all day. I've been eating pretty normal-ish, but still trying to avoid anything too fibrous.

My question is - is this normal? Is it just a result of having someone poking around in there yesterday? I'm inclined to just chalk it up to that and to the fact that I've resumed eating after the colonoscopy prep, but I wanted to get some other opinions. My plan right now is to just take some painkillers and call my doctor if the pain is sharp or if it doesn't abate in a couple of days. Has this happened to anyone else?
I've had strange symptoms after being scoped. My last scope it was like I was constipated for several days after and had a lot of pain. You know the pain meds can slow your peristalsis which could in turn cause pain. Strange as it seems the pain meds in IBD can sometimes cause problems and other times help.