Pain in joints?

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Feb 28, 2008
Ok so now that I've had 3 Remicade infusions, and I've been off Pred for a couple months, my Crohns appears to be in remission. (Thankfully.)

That being said, I've started having severe pain in my joints, my hips and shoulder specifically with some kinda "heel" pain as well. I'm going to guess its plantar fasciitis, which I've never experienced before.

I asked my GI doctor about it and she said she didn't think this was Remicade or Crohns related...but none of these problems started until Remicade?

Anyone else experiencing anything similar? Or know anything that may help?

She told me to goto my GP and talk to him about it but dang that sounds silly. :ybatty:
With any new medications and new symptoms, especially immuno-modulators I'd be privy to having any physician looking at these symptoms ASAP. Just to rule out anything bad, make sure the course of Remicade is doing the right thing and your response is the predicted one....

Hope things fair well for you!!!!

BTW Catz rule hands down, or is that paws?
Well it's official. My joint pain is coming back and in full force. After my last Remicade 2 weeks ago, it went away for a week or so but yesterday and today it's started to creep back like mad. My pinky finger on my right hand hurts maddeningly bad. When I stand up my hips, are SO STIFF. I fee like I'm 80 no joke. Last couple of nights I wake up in pain from my hips/lower back/shoulders.

I haven't told my hubby yet though I hate to worry him.

My GI doc said I need to have blood work drawn to see if I'm developing antibodies because Remicade can cause this if you are. I'm depressed. Does this mean they will take me off Rem?
Remicaid is made up of part human DNA and part mouse DNA. Because of this your body can pick it out to be different enough that it treats it like a foreign substance and destroys it like any invading biological entity. The significance of Humira, on the other hand, is that it is a newer version that is 100% human DNA. So, your body won't develop an immunity to it. That may be your next step if they find remicaid antibodies.
I have joint pain and Im on remicade. It could be that. I didnt physical thearopy and it helped alot but that was back last year around this time so. I still occasionally have joint pain but its not as bad so that could help you. Also congrats on your Crohns being controlled, i havent my solution
ive got some joint pain and am on remicade....ive only really got in my lower back, was helping my dad carry some logs into the house and every time got up from bending down i was in agony. ive never had joint pain before so i think there could well be a link.
Interesting....I have suffered new onset joint pains as well. Dx with Crohn's in Jan. Started with awful joint swelling, pain, and stiffness about 2 months ago. My ankles would swell and I agree, I would walk around like I am 80 (but only 29) put on Imuran and my ankles doubled in size and the neck stiffness was to the point of an ER visit for what they thought was LP later and it was my Imuan exacerbating my symptoms. I saw my family Dr. and diagnosed with inflammatory arthritis. Saw a rheumatologist, who diagnosed me with Crohn's arthritis (never heard of it). I also have psoriasis that is new onset, so beware if you have any "dry skin" on your scalp, elbows.......therefore, the arthritis could also be psoriatic arthritis, but it all stemmed from my Crohn's. The rheumatologist said that it stems from going off and on steroids...I am starting Humira injections tomorrow for the Crohn's and now this awful arthritis......

What will be next with this lovely disease..............
Sorry to hear about the pain, Kit.

I get that no matter what (on meds or not.) Heck, right now everything is swelling up like mad for me. Including my eyes. (huzzah for uveitis! I can't see a thing!)

I hope they find out the exact cause. Hopefully it'll be a whole lot of nothing, and you can keep that remission you deserve.
OMG where have you all been? Not that I am thrilled about joint pain; but to find crohnies with joint pain is rare. So hello, I am so pleased to meet fellow oldies in young bodies!! I feel for all the pain you all go through and sometimes it makes it hard to want to get up every morning.
I was on Remicade and after my last infusion my joints seemed to flare up worse than before and I broke out all over my face. I was a cripple with bad acne overnight! All the docs are calling it a reaction. So I will just go with that!
I am currently on Humira, since end of August, and it seems to be truly a gift so far! I can wear my sexy shoes, exercise, hike and all the things I used to enjoy - and feel "normal" pain LOL I hope it never ends, it gives you a new persepective on the simple things in life when you experience pain like we have! I went on my first run after not being able to for 3 yrs - it felt amazing. I guess this is how you develop mindfulness naturally;-)

I wish everyone well and many spoons!