Pain in my left side

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 26, 2012
Salt Lake City
Hello All,

I'm new to this forum and also to Crohn's. I was diagnosed on Jan. 26th. I have been taking Pentasa, Lansoprozole, Bentyl and Budesonide. Some days I feel fine, but other days I have diarrhea and pain in my left side from the bottom of my rib cage to my hip. And it's only always on my left side. I've been taking the medications above as directed but don't seem to be getting any better. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks! :thumleft:
My crohn's is in the left colon and off and on I get a lot of pain on the left side,
Sometimes it takes a little while for meds to be effective.
If it continues maybe you should let your GI know.
Do you have a GI follow up date?
Hugs and best wishes

Yeah, March 8th.

When he did the colonoscopy, he didn't mention anything in my colon. It was all in my small intestine. I'll have to double check at the follow-up.
It could be spasms caused by the small intestine inflammation, hard to say.
Do let your doctor know about it if it continues and especially if it gets worse.
They may want to give you an earlier appointment.
Feel better soon.
I've had colon pain on my left side as well. Have you changed your diet yet? I've had issues before I knew what I had on my left side when I'd eat something bad. Hang in there the meds should start helping soon. In the meantime - watch what you eat.

Good Luck!
I agree with Trysha, give the meds some time to work. Like you, I also was recently diagnosed (Jan. 13th) and am on similar meds. You have to give them time to work. I have been on them for 3 weeks now and am starting to see some results in terms of pain subsiding when I am not eating or when I am eating foods that aren't triggers. Find out what foods trigger your pain and avoid them at all costs for now. I can't eat gluten...I accidentally ate something last night that had gluten and I got the worst pains I've had in a while. It helps to keep a food log of all the things you eat, where and when your pain is, and also you BM's.

I hope this helped! Us newbies need to stay positive and hopeful about feeling better soon!

Big Hug!

Thanks! I actaully started taking the meds in December, since the endo/colonoscopy found I had some inflammation in my ilium. I'll give it more time.

Also, the Dr said that diet doesn't matter, which, after reading through this forum, actually does, but it depends on the individual. I've started to note what foods trigger the pain.

Just a general question for you all? How long after you eat a "trigger food" does the pain start? Is it immidiate or does it take several hours? Just curious.

Tapering off Entocort - Pain returns

I too received a recent Crohn's diagnosis, (December 2011). Entocort relieved my left side pain. I began to taper off of Entocort a few weeks ago and began Mesalamine 4 x day.

Unfortunately my left side pain has returned. I know I cannot stay on Entocort for long, but it seems as though the Mesalamine alone cannot control my inflammation and pain.

I have also begun eating a modified vegan diet and I am learning some relaxation techniques. Am I being too impatient with the pain relapse? Should I give the Mesalamine, diet, etc more time to work, or does recurring pain indicate another round of steroids is required?

I just saw my GI last Friday and of course my pain returned two days later.
I'm currently doing the Entocort taper right now. I've been taking 3 capsules daily for 10 days. Tonight I'll start 2 caps for 10 more and then 1 cap for 10 more. The only difference I've noticed is that my mouth sores have gone away.

It seems like every morning when I wake up my left side hurts, no matter what I do. It usually goes away by noon. The pain I'm feeling is more like a burning sensation (kinda like heart burn, but it's along my left side).

The interesting thing is, is that the colonoscopy didn't see anything in my colon. They found inflammation in my small intestine. What could the pain (burning sensation) on the left be?

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