Pain just above the pubic area

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Oct 20, 2010
Hi all, I just joined today.

Here's my story so far. I started suffering with digestive/BM problems about 4 years ago - a fair amount of pain, constipation followed by D - went to my then GP who by only listening to my story, decided that I had IBS and prescribed mebeverine to help deal with the cramps. Together with ibuprofen, I could knock the pain on the head within half an hour and wait for the BMs to apear.

Fast forward to last year when I first had really excrutiating pain that struck suddenly, out of the blue, whilst at work. I took myself to the ladies and was curled up on the floor for half an hour or so - I was convinced that when I eventually stood up, I would find a pool of blood - it was that painful. Of course, I put it down to IBS...

Since the beginning of this year, the attacks have been getting worse. Before, I could go through the pain and then get on with my life. Now, my most recent attack had me fainting with the pain (and i have a high threshhold), vomiting and not being able to bear being touched, as well as sweating buckets, going very cold and then hot and being unable to do anything but curl up in a ball. If it didn't hurt to cry, I would. I had to take 3 days off work and even 3 weeks later, I am not back to full form - I find it hard to eat very much, feel constantly as if I need to 'go', my BMs have gone from constipation to D and back again. For the few days after the attack, I was having terrible night sweats too - much worse than anything I have experienced with flu - the bed sheets were literally dripping.

Finally, I have gone to our new GP after my OH insisted on it (this was the first time a full-blown attack had happened at home from start to finish) and the GP has first sent me for blood tests to be followed up with further investigations.

The pain - its very low down in my stomach, just above the pubic area and as if a knife has been stuck in and twisted. It comes on so quickly, I barely get 5 minutes from first signs to being in terrible agony. As someone who used to suffer with terrible period pains, I can guarantee that this is far, far worse. I haven't had blood in my stools though.

My question to you all is - does this sound remotely like CD or UC? I have begun to notice that I am getting mouth ulcers (not usual for me), that I get strange and sharp spasm-like pains in my rectum, that I get joint pain, am very 'up and down' and just generally don't seem to have bounced back at all. I also had, as a one-off jsut before this latest attack, a very sore spot next to my anus - at first I thought it was a pile, but it felt (pain wise) very different.

Hey Rachel
Well you definitely have something going on, and many of you Sx are assciated with IBD. I'm not overly familiar with having IBS, but Sx came be very similiar. Having night sweats can be indicitive of infection somewhere in the body. The spot near the anus could be an abscess forming. I, recently formed a perianal abscess, which is extremely painful. Don't let it go for long, and believe me you won't be able to. It can easily turn life threatening as the infection can enter the blood stream and cause sepsis. It's really best to get these Sx checked by a doc. Be as persistant as need be until they get the answers you're comfortable with. Do your own research and come up with possible options and mention those to your doc. Make it clear that you are not well and need to figure out what's going on. And by all means, don't let them get away with telling you it's all in your head. Or, it's just stress related. I had those excuses in the past, it's such a line of bull. Boils down to their laziness as far as I'm concerned, or maybe their inability to come up with the proper Dx.
Glad you found you way here. This forum is full of wonderful, informative peolple who are very understanding of what you're going through. No topic is off limits. Hope to see you around.
Hi Rachel
and welcome

What country are you in?
This isn't IBS, you don't bleed with IBS, this sounds like an IBD, you're having a lot of symptoms associated with it.
I'm concerned with the vomiting, this indicates maybe a partial blockage or obstruction, and with the night sweats too, you could have an infection setting in, check your temperature and if it's higher than 97, go to hospital!
You've got too many manifestations going on here to ignore!
hope you're ok, let us know how you're getting on
Any more vomiting, straight to A&E, right?
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Hey Rachel
Well you definitely have something going on, and many of you Sx are assciated with IBD. I'm not overly familiar with having IBS, but Sx came be very similiar. Having night sweats can be indicitive of infection somewhere in the body. The spot near the anus could be an abscess forming. I, recently formed a perianal abscess, which is extremely painful. Don't let it go for long, and believe me you won't be able to. It can easily turn life threatening as the infection can enter the blood stream and cause sepsis. It's really best to get these Sx checked by a doc. Be as persistant as need be until they get the answers you're comfortable with. Do your own research and come up with possible options and mention those to your doc. Make it clear that you are not well and need to figure out what's going on. And by all means, don't let them get away with telling you it's all in your head. Or, it's just stress related. I had those excuses in the past, it's such a line of bull. Boils down to their laziness as far as I'm concerned, or maybe their inability to come up with the proper Dx.
Glad you found you way here. This forum is full of wonderful, informative peolple who are very understanding of what you're going through. No topic is off limits. Hope to see you around.

Hi Rachel,
Sorry about all the pain you are having! But, RUN, don't walk to a competent GI doc.
They will probably want to do a CAT scan, maybe small bowel study. Those tests are not too bad. Feel better soon.
Hey guys, thank you for your welcome!

I'm in the UK - sorry, I should update my profile!

I have a follow-up appointment with my GP on Saturday (a miracle in the UK) and we'll take it from there.

My OH as already told me that if I go through the same crisis again, I will be whisked straight to hospital, no arguing. TBH, I won't have the strength to argue, so no problems there.
Oh my god, a Saturday appointment? Quick, buy a lottery ticket!

But yes, the pain sounds familiar, this is my main symptom in a flare. And definately go to A and E if it happens again, they can get tests done much quicker than having to wait for an outpatient one.
Awe...I am so sorry to hear of your struggles. I am happy you have a Saturday appt...If you can make it...If not get yourself to your nearest emerg room! Get some hugs from your friends and family....Try (I know its tough!) and stay strong. We are all here for you and understand your struggles....Peace
Hey there! Welcome to the forum!

The previous posts basically says it all. Take good care of yourself until your appointment. Also just want to add to what Sue said, having a good support system at this stage is very helpful. :)

Good luck!
Hi Rachel,

Welcome to the forum! Nice to have you here. Does sound like you have some IBD going on. I've had vomiting problems in the past, and have gotten/still get the mouth ulcers too.. My Colorectal Surgeon says its one of the symptoms of Crohns.. called apthous ulcers. (these i get on my tongue or just anywhere inside my mouth.) Always figured it was my tummy ulcers moving into my mouth every now and then.. but the docs just say its a Crohns thing. I use Traimcinolone Dental paste for these. It works like a charm. I really hope you find some help and a Dr that takes their time with you to make sure YOU feel better!

Hot and cold, body going up and down, is your body talking to you. Do some research and see if your GP will refer you to a GI who may be more familiar with digestive/IBD issues. Hopefully they can take the right precautions and make sure you are on the right path. Even if it isn't IBD it would be good for peace of mind (my opinion anyways..)..

Hope you stick @! And welcome aboard! :smile:
hi rachel - welcome. This is a great place to come when you need some ears. Yes, it sounds so familiar, your story. Many of your symptoms were mine before dx - I was mis dx's for over a year, and ended up with life saving surgery, and then an abscess 5 mos later. I am slowly learning to push for help - find a good GI - I need to probably switch. Mines tuned out - and I just had a horrific scope. That said, I have never had any issues with CT scans or bowel xrays, or even then enemas. CT scans have always shown what then need to and have saved my life, twice. Go for it, good luck and many prayers!
Thank you ALL of you for your replies - psychologically it really helps to know I'm not alone in this icky state.

I know - I am SO lucky to have a weekend appointment with my GP, so yes I should get a lottery ticket, lol!

That's a good point - next time I have symptoms like that I should get to hospital and get immediate treatment/scans etc. In the meantime though, no matter what the blood test results say, my GP did say he was going to get me referred to a specialist. Again, lucky that I have a good GP!

I will let you know what Saturday brings...
I'm not in pain as such at the moment - just very uncomfortable and can't 'go' even though I feel like I need to IYSWIM.

At the moment, I can't eat meat or fruit or veg - I had some salad the other day and it came right out almost as if I'd thrown the veg straight into the toilet (sorry, that's not a pretty thought). I'm really frustrated - I normally eat a fantastically healthy diet and right now I can't, since most stuff I eat just makes me feel awful.

I have a lactose intolerance - can anyone recommend food they stick to when they need to eat easily digestible food that doesn't make your innards work too hard?
Six months ago I decided to give up crisps because I was eating far too many, and make more improvements to my diet. I do wonderfully, lose 9lbs through diet alone and now can't tolerate a full meal, so am grazing all day on bread, biscuits, crackers and you guessed it, crisps.

I really hate it but am telling myself this is what I need to do to get over the bad patch, it won't be forever.
OMG - this is EXACTLY what I'm doing. I've eaten more crisps and crackers in the past 3 weeks or so than I have in about a year. But it's all I can eat without my stomach complaining very loudly...

And I thought it was just me...
Oh dear so did I! Had a bad spell where I couldn't keep anything in, then sloooowly graduated onto what i'm eating but the 2 evening meals I tried didn't work (boiled white rice and plain naan bread, gave me awful stomach pains, leftover pasta with mince, sweetcorn and pasta sauce rolled around my stomach all night (before leaving at 3am) so just keep buying crisps lol,and grazing like a farm animal which I do rather hate!

It's boring too isn't it? I miss especially sitting down to an evening meal.
Yes - and I never thought I would think that crisps are boring - b/c I used to love them!

I had some chicken soup last night and it felt so uncomfortable...


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