Pain Management Team

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Sep 19, 2010
Hi All,
We met with the pain management team today. I was very impressed. We met with the doctor, nurse practitioner, physical therapist and psychologist. They were all very nice and we came up with a plan for Caitlyn. Since she has been doing so well the past 4 weeks we are going to hold off on starting medication but meanwhile she has physical and mental exercises to do. When we feel she needs it we are going to start her on neurontin which is an antiseizure drug that is used for pain in many different illnesses. I will keep you al posted how it goes. I want to recommend to everyone to go to pediatric pain management if your childs pain is not controlled. ( I forget who it was but one of you recommended it to us. Thank you):thumright:
I am so glad you had a positive experience with the team! :mademyday:

I have seen some very good results indeed when using anticonvulsants to treat neuropathic pain. Crohn's is one of the conditions that can cause neuropathic pain in some people. I hope Caitlyn never needs to use the neurontin but it's good to know it's there should the need arise!

Good luck, hoping more than anything that the pain stays settled for Caitlyn! :hug:

Dusty. xxx
So glad that your first impression was positive, and hoping that the trend continues! Hoping I remember this if I ever need to!
Sounds like you have a team you're comfortable working with. That's good news.

Has Caitlyn started a new med yet? You may have said somewhere but I missed it.
I was wondering that too Mark. I'm anxious to hear about the LDN she started last week. Is it too soon to get a feel of how that's working?
I'm glad you had such a positive experience with the pain management team. I hope Caitlyn doesn't have any more need for the medication but, hopefully, just knowing that there is help for her pain, may help her feel better.

And, yes, was wondering about how Caitlyn was doing with her LDN but thought it might still be too early???

Sending lots of good wishes!!!
About the LDN I understand it will take some time to know if it is working. SHe has weaned down to 2 entocort a day and will remain on that for another week then wean down to 1 per day for 2 weeks and by then hopefully the LDN will be kicking in. So far she has been feeling pretty good. She did have a little stomach and joint pain this week but it passed quickly.
So happy to hear that you both liked the pain management team! Hopefully her pain will continue to be managed without the Neurontin, but good to know it's there if needed :)

Best of luck with the LDN ~ I have been a bit MIA for a month or so and didn't realize she had started that until I just read this. I hope it does wonders for her!