Paper & Pulp Factory - Did you live near one?

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Paper & Pulp Factory - Live near one?

  • Yes I lived near one.

    Votes: 16 41.0%
  • No I did not live near one.

    Votes: 23 59.0%

  • Total voters


May 5, 2012
United States
I'm curious to know how many of crohnsforum users spent more than 2 years living or working within 2 miles of a paper / pulp factory.

If you lived more than two miles away, yet alongside a river that is within 10 miles downstream from a paper/pulp mil, your vote should be yes.

Thank you for your input!
I worked near the factories for a few years, but that was over 10 years ago. I also spent all my summers as a kid at my aunt's house which was next to a couple of paper mills, in fact my uncle worked at one. ...but...I just got diagnosed 6 months ago, so I don't know if it would be relevant to me. ??
I am not sure if all paper mills produce this. I know it can be a byproduct of chemically produced pulp, but our mill makes mechanical pulp. I guess I am not sure either way.

Interesting! I just did some research and the town I grew up in had a paper mill from the 1800s onwards that was demolished in only 2010. This is curious! :eek:
There was one in my home town; there is also a high rate of Crohn's in my home town, but I always thought the high incidence of Crohn's was due to a small gene pool.
Weird. I am from Tacoma, Washington. Lived in the same house my whole life. Had to cross the tide flats all the time for school or other reasons. We are known for the "aroma of Tacoma", caused by the paper mill.
Weird. I am from Tacoma, Washington. Lived in the same house my whole life. Had to cross the tide flats all the time for school or other reasons. We are known for the "aroma of Tacoma", caused by the paper mill.

Thanks for the input. I see your profile says you're in Germany.

Do you live there? Out of couriosity, did your symptoms begin after leaving your hometown for an extended perioud?

Again, I've done lots of research and am trying to not overload this thread with scientific details but if the interest continues to support my findings, I will share them here.
There was one in my home town; there is also a high rate of Crohn's in my home town, but I always thought the high incidence of Crohn's was due to a small gene pool.

My research at present suggests that dioxins (such as TCDD) and genetics (CYP genes such as CYP1A1) play a role.

A recent study found that TCDD suppressed inflammation by activating the AhR receptors. My interest is around how gene mutations from TCDD effect us long-term, and asks, do we build up dependence from PCB's and TCDD? And following a sharp decline in environmental TCDD exposure, such as moving away from the contamination site, do we experience CD activation as a result?

The age of the participants in this poll is of interest because in 2002, the EPA became more proactive in regulating the industry.

The paper mill I grew up near was found to have released 1.3 million pounds of TCDD into the environment in 2002. The amount was so large that it accounted for practically ALL the dioxin releases for the entire pulp & paper industry that year. Since I grew up near this plant in the 80's, only god knows what was released and of what volume dyring my childhood! What I do know is most of my neighborhood friends who also moved away, now experience issues similar to me. And in one case a friend and his other three siblings battle with CD related problems, supporting the genetic relationship.

In summary, I'd like to add that EPA reports are not of much use for many because there seems to be little TCDD data available prior to 2002/2006. The recent reports do help identify the environmentally irresponsible, however.

The report relative to my situation:

Thanks again for the input.
Thanks for the input. I see your profile says you're in Germany.

Do you live there? Out of couriosity, did your symptoms begin after leaving your hometown for an extended perioud?

Again, I've done lots of research and am trying to not overload this thread with scientific details but if the interest continues to support my findings, I will share them here.

I had my symptoms before I had to move here. I think my CD flares are army induced. When I am away from my husband I get sick. When he is home. Im ok, so far thats what the pattern has seemed like haha.
Interesting - I did live about 5 miles from one between the ages of 4 and 10. My belief, and my doctors agree, is that my Crohn's was triggered by a bout of food poisoning when I was in my 40's (1986). I went undiagnosed and self-treated until I had emergency surgery for a perforated colon in 2008. I have the NOD2/CARD15 genetic Crohn's.
Interesting - I did live about 5 miles from one between the ages of 4 and 10. My belief, and my doctors agree, is that my Crohn's was triggered by a bout of food poisoning when I was in my 40's (1986). I went undiagnosed and self-treated until I had emergency surgery for a perforated colon in 2008. I have the NOD2/CARD15 genetic Crohn's.

Thank you for your input Miss Underestimated. 20 Years is a long time to fight it single handedly. Strong lady you are!
Thought I'd share this with the group as well as it depicts a rather strong geographic relationship between 'paper pulp' and 'stomach' related searches.

Switch between the 'stomach' and 'paper pulp' tabs above the map to see the relationship. The relationship is even stronger if you drill down the USA."paper+pulp",+stomach&cmpt=q


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Yeah, it sounds like stress / worry is triggering it? Do you eat more when you're stressed or when he's away?

i eat "better" when he is gone. so that means veggies haha. but i internalize all my stress. so i think thats what is it is too, and then food just makes it worse.
I lived two years in a city close to paper mills (Prince George BC). I had no symptoms at that time. Previously I was in a city with steel mills (Sydney NS). What I believe was my first attack came about two years after moving away from Sydney. Where I am currently (Ottawa, ON), there used to be a strong paper industry.
Both my parents lived near paper factories well into their twenties and lived into their 80s without Cronh's. I never lived near one and have onset at 53 years.