Hi, my son was diagnosed with crohns disease last year, it come as a shock to both myself and my partner as nobody in either of our familys have it. he was quite poorly and had to go on a liquid diet for 6 weeks which wasnt very nice for him. he has been on pentasa slow release tablets since being diagnosed, one 500mg three times a day.he is doing really well at present and gaining weight but it is always a worry when your child has a condition which you know can be controlled but not be cured.
Hi, my son was diagnosed with crohns disease last year, it come as a shock to both myself and my partner as nobody in either of our familys have it. he was quite poorly and had to go on a liquid diet for 6 weeks which wasnt very nice for him. he has been on pentasa slow release tablets since being diagnosed, one 500mg three times a day.he is doing really well at present and gaining weight but it is always a worry when your child has a condition which you know can be controlled but not be cured.